Title: The Small Moments That Led to Chuck and Blair
Fandom: Gossip Girl
Pairing: Chuck/Blair
Words: +/- 1800
Rating: PG
Summary: A series of memories from Chuck and Blair's childhood that leads up to the biggest moment of their lives.
Note: GG still isn't mine and thank you Dawn for the beta.
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Comments 4
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And they complained that Serena is not an understanding person and I don't know GG, blah blah blah *eyeroll*. Okay, I know Serena's flighty but she's not that stupid. She can notice shit too. She cares about these people in her own S way. So does Nate despite looking confused all the time. They wanted me to rewrite the whole thing and told me what to do; I flat out told them no and how I didn't appreciate being told what to do.
Thank you, love. Love your icon by the way!
Pregnant Blair is great and I love Serena arranging the baby shower...again. Haha. Her enthusiasm is contagious. Also, that part with Dan and the Chuck Bass crab? Genius.
Mostly, though, I loved the bit at the end, where Chuck tells Nate how to make Blair happy and Serena notices that it's actually Chuck who wants to do those things. *sigh* Young love is awesome. :)
Good luck with NaNo. I'm doing it to, but this is my first year. I'm proud to say I'm doing well so far. Cracked 5k today. Woohoo!
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