Title: The Small Moments That Led to Chuck and Blair
Fandom: Gossip Girl
Rating: PG
Pairing: Chuck/Blair
Summary: All the moments in Chuck Bass and Blair Waldorf's life are leading up the biggest moment of all.
Note: I own nothing in GG and thanks to Dawn for the beta.
Chapter 7: The First Dance and The Last Breath
Age 11, Ballroom Dancing Class
"I don't wanna go!" Eric whined. "I hate this place!"
Lily Van der Woodsen couldn't believe that she was going to have the same argument with her nine year old son again. It never failed. Ever since she had signed both her children up for this class, Eric complained about everything. She had to coax him to go to lessons but now he was getting too smart for all this. While Serena looked forward to talking with Nate, Chuck, and Blair, Eric hated it namely because he hated the teachers. He also hated dancing with the girls. She figured it was because he was still young and didn't like them.
"Dear, I have been through this with you several times," she said, straightening Eric's tie. "Your teacher is not a bird nor is she a man."
"But she has a beak and a mustache!"
"She does," Serena admitted. "No one likes her, Mom."
Lily didn't know how true that statement was but it wasn't the first time she heard complaints. The ballroom teacher's name was Miss Haines though several older students referred to her as 'Miss Heinous'. She had taught champions in ballroom dance so it seemed right to send her children to the best. Since there was a class for children from ages 9-12, it was nice that both of them could be with the same teacher. So far, they were getting better at dance but the whining didn't stop. Eric hated dancing with the girls and Serena hated the way Miss Haines looked at everyone. They were both convinced that she was half-bird, half-man, and all evil.
"Have a good lesson today," she said, finally giving up. "I will see you when it's over. Try not to get into trouble this time."
Serena waved to her mother before leading Eric to the ballroom. "Come on. Maybe she shaved her mustache today."
"I don't think so," Eric murmured.
She didn't blame him for feeling the way he did. Miss Haines was strict and hardly ever praised anybody. She had a nose like a beak and beady black eyes that peered down on everyone. Chuck and Nate had nicknamed her "The Vulture" because of the way she would crane her long neck down on unsuspecting dancing couples like they were dead animals. But neither one disliked her the way that Blair did. Blair hated "The Vulture" because she never seemed to noticed Blair's improvement. She had been getting better at rumba and foxtrot yet "The Vulture" overlooked it. However, she never overlooked Blair messing up. It was frustrating to go through the lessons and not be noticed.
Right now, Serena and Eric found Blair and Chuck playing Uno on the floor of the ballroom. Blair had only two cards left while Chuck had three. It was a match that would end any minute. Chuck put down a blue card in hopes of stumping Blair. Unfortunately for him, Blair didn't have a blue card but she did have the same number that he put down: 8. Before Chuck could say a word, she blurted out, "Uno!"
"Not fair!" Chuck grumbled. "You cheated!"
"No, I didn't! You just don't want to pay up!"
"This was a stupid bet!"
"Well, you made it and now you have to pay me!"
Chuck was still grumbling and slowly began to take his bowtie off. Serena turned to Blair, slightly confused. "How is he going to pay you?"
"Well, he suggested that the loser would have to dance naked for the winner," Blair said smugly. "I guess he didn't think he'd ever lose. Now he has to do some salsa moves for me."
Serena tried to hide her laughter because Miss Haines finally caught sight of what was happening. "Mr. Bass! Miss Waldorf! Come to the center of this room immediately!"
"Uh oh! The Vulture's screaming at us!" Chuck put his bowtie back on. Blair looked embarrassed as she and Chuck headed to the middle of the room. Apparently the lesson was starting because the whole room was divided with boys on one side and girls on another. Eric quickly slipped into the boy's side while Serena went to the girls. Nate, who was coming in late, also got in with the boys and wondered what was happening. Miss Haines had a despicable smile across her bird-like face.
"Since you two enjoy spending so much time together before lessons, I'm sure you will not mind leading us into the first dance: a smooth waltz!" she announced, putting Chuck and Blair together. Then she turned to the rest of the room. "Ladies and gentlemen, once Miss Waldorf and Mr. Bass start moving, find yourselves a partner and join them. I hope you all remember what we learned last time because I will be watching you. Now when the music begins...start dancing."
Chuck grinned at Blair and bowed to her. "I get the first dance with you, Waldorf."
Blair glowered but gave him a little curtsy. "Enjoy it, Bass, cause this is your first and last dance with me. I'm breaking your legs after class."
They began to dance quietly as the rest of the class joined in. Serena paired up with Nate while Eric found another girl to dance with. Blair tried to stay quiet and allowed Chuck to lead her around the room. Somehow, he had very good moves. She hadn't noticed until now. He didn't step on her toes like Nate did and he allowed her to glide in and out easily. It was funny to see this. Chuck barely listened during the lessons. He was too busy checking out the girls on the other side or making fun of The Vulture's mustache.
"How did you get so good?" she asked, forgetting all about The Vulture's orders.
"Um...I'm taking lessons? Just like you are?" he reminded her. "Of course, the only reason I am taking lessons is cause Bart wants me to. He says it will help with 'building my character'. I don't know what that means."
"Well, it's working," she said. "My toes aren't broken."
The Vulture, however, wasn't noticing how well they were doing. Instead, she paid attention to Nate and Serena. The two of them were smiling and dazzling the crowd, allowing The Vulture to smile for once. It wasn't a forced smile either.
"Very good, Miss Van der Woodsen," she complimented Serena. Then she turned to Nate. "And Mr. Archibald, you have improved greatly! I see that a new partner has certainly changed everything. From now on, I request that you and Miss Van der Woodsen dance together for the rest of your lessons. Together, you will become the greatest pupils I've ever had the pleasure of teaching!"
Chuck turned to a now enraged Blair. "Looks like we'll spend more time together, Waldorf. Isn't that fun?"
Blair tried not to scream at that.
~ ~ ~
Present Time
"Okay, okay, everyone stay quiet!" Serena told the group in the group. By now, almost everything was set up. Dan had found yet another Chuck Bass crab lookalike and was ready to crack it open. Vanessa had to stop him before crab bits flew out on the table. "My brother will go and get the guest of honor now!"
"No!" Chuck hissed. "You did this eight times already, sis! Give it a rest!"
"Yeah, you should have told me that before I did anything! Now go!" She shoved him towards the door. "Go get Blair and don't tell her a thing! Don't tell her that Dan is eating the crabs! Oh, and when you return, pretend to look surprised!"
Chuck wanted to say some terrible things but held back. It was too late to say no to this. Serena planned everything without letting anyone know. Oh well. Blair would get yet another baby shower where she would receive cloth diapers (which they would never use in the first place), strollers, toys, and God knew what else the baby needed. Everyone would squeal and shriek at the presents. Vanessa would tape the whole thing and they would have another video to add to unborn baby's collection.
Blair was in the living room talking to Lily. She had stopped eating long enough to do her second activity; worry out loud. Now she wasn't sure whether or not she wanted a baby. She was afraid of hurting it within the first fifteen seconds. The only way they could placate her was telling her the same thing again and again: that nothing was going to happen.
"What if something goes wrong?" she was asking. "What if the baby comes too early or doesn't come until Christmas?"
"I highly doubt any child due in August is going to come out in December, dear," Lily said. "That is far too late. And if the baby comes late or early, there's nothing to worry about. You will be in the best of hands. It happens to people. You're healthy. The baby is healthy."
"Yeah but for how long?" she asked. "I mean, Chuck doesn't know..."
"You were told this the last time you went, Blair. The baby isn't in danger."
"I know but...there's that thing..."
"Blair..." Lily kept trying to interrupt but the worries kept coming.
"Chuck will never forgive me!" she exclaimed. "Or he's never going to like the baby! What if he becomes just like his father? Because if it happens, he will. I can't go through this! I'm just going to carry the baby with me forever!"
There was a long pause after that. Chuck found himself in a tight spot and didn't know if he wanted to take her to the baby shower. She was hiding something from him. She knew something about the baby that he didn't. And while he didn't have any idea what it was, it was going to hurt her or their child. One way or another, one of them was going to get hurt.
What if he becomes just like his father? Because if it happens, he will.
Ouch. That was the last thing he wanted. He still remembered hearing his father talk about his mother's last breath. The last breath was supposed to be like a cat's meow but no one had heard a sound from her. Evelyn Bass probably knew she would not be around so her final breath had been quiet. She had gone out peacefully but not before she struggled to give birth. She had screamed and cried and went out quietly.
It was too much. Blair was not his mother and she was not going to die. He would make sure that she didn't. Of course, she would angry that he knew but better to be angry than dead and suffering. Better to hear her screech and scream than not hear her breathing. He respected Blair but there was another life on the line. This was one secret he needed to know.
Thank God, after all these years, he still had a P.I. on speed dial.
~ ~ ~
Note: I'm going to try to get back to my other fanfics, I swear. If only the show could inspire me more...For people fearing NS, don't worry. The main coupling here is CB and is going to stay that way. However, there will be NS interactions and NB interactions as well as CS ones in the past. I have to develop all of them, which might displease some of you. But honestly, I need it to happen. After all, they did grow up together.I know what I'm doing so I need you guys to trust me. Thanks.