Title: Four Words
Word Count: 315
Fandom: Harry Potter
Disclaimer: What you have heard about isn't mine. This is just for fun.
Notes: For
hogwarts_elite latest Ficlet contest. Came in second place. Theme was to write the last moments of a minor/not well-known character who dies.
I have wonderful news.
As he was falling, this was all the echoed in his head. The last note he received before this moment.
Four words. It had been so long since Ted Tonks had heard from his family again but getting those four words meant a lot to him. He hated to leave everything and everyone behind. Andromeda would be fine. She had gotten through the worst before. Being blasted off the Black Family Tree had been terrible but she managed. She would be able to get by fine without him.
Then there was Dora. Of course, Andromeda didn’t approve of their daughter being married to a werewolf but Remus Lupin seemed nice enough. He kept everything under control. He would able to take care of Dora in the future. And Nymphadora herself was an auror. Sure, she had moments where she broke things and tripped on the floor. But she had gotten through her training and still did a good job. He had always been proud of her. She would be able to survive this too. She had gotten through worse and she would be able to win this war.
I will keep this brief but I think you should know…
But him? He wasn’t going to make it. One false move and he saw his life flash before him. Everything moved quickly. Meeting Andromeda. Marrying her. The problems that rose in her family. Their life together. Dora’s birth. Dora and Remus. The war. People dying. Everything fallen apart. And now he too would die.
As he landed, his mind flicked back to that last bit in that note. The ground was cold and he couldn’t feel anything. But he could still think about the note and the very last sentence. Another four words. He wanted it to be his dying thought. It was a good thought to have.
I’m having a baby.