(no subject)

Sep 01, 2009 12:13

What is the sexiest part of the opposite sex's body?
mmm every one has something they can work. big hands, lower back, arms, smile

Have you ever made up/sang a song for someone you cared about?
Sure, most of it is angst

Ever had a song sang about/for you?
yes. it was blood music. he was cheating on me at the time.

Is there a baby in the room with you right now?
unless there are some jew babies in the floor boards because this is nazi germany... no.

Do you know how to dance?
You can dance if you wanto, you can leave your friends behind, coz if you don't dance ... blablablablabla... then you're no friend of mine- so you can dance. I can dance.

Anything in your mouth?
peanuts and grape juice. *swallows* nope. nothing here to see.

Ever hurt yourself playing Wii?
no, but I did wallop the other guy...so I hurt someone else playing wii.

Do you have freckles?
in the summertime

How many languages can you say "Hello" in?
6- English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, and Japanese. oi.

What's the last movie you saw in the theater?
Time Traveler's Wife.

Ever jumped/fallen/been pushed in a pool with your clothes on?
Anytime I am standing by a pool with clothes on I deserve to be pushed in, so a few times.

Are you wearing any clothes that you wore yesterday?
nope, all my clothes are clean now, shouldn't have to do laundry until next year.

Name a song that you know all the words to?
that Santoria song by Sublime

What's the last thing you watched on TV?
Gilmore Girls

What's the last video game you played?

Can you do the alphabet in sign language?
yes thanks to the playground at Spain park, there's a panel on the playground with a diagram of the alphabet in sign language

What can you hear right now?
Hurricane Ida and "Dude looks like a lady"

Did you feel better or worse or the same yesterday?
about the same, extremely sleep deprived but a giant weight has been lifted

Ever been overseas?
to Hawaii

What are your plans for today?
my choo-choo car is broken so no Nooga today, I suppose clean up the house for money and study for some Cleppin things. Also need to do a little financial aid research to pay for college

What was your favorite childhood show?
Are you afraid of the dark, bewitched, i dream of genie, Salute your shorts, Temple of doom, Mcguiver, Nikita, Sliders, Rugrats... wow i watched a lot of tv, no wonder i am so brain damaged.

Are you close to your siblings?
nope. they don't exist

Do you bite your nails?
ugh. no. ever hear of appendicitis?

Do you like your feet?
they've been places, you know. they pitter and patter like normal feet should and don't really stink, so i wouldn't trade them in.

Do you sleep well at night?
well, i have night terrors despite being almost 22. i'm not much of a sleeper

Do you secretly love somebody right now?
well, it's not a secret. whom I love will never be a secret.

Who did you last hug?
dad, he thought i was going to the Nooga today and then my car pooped out!

If you could move somewhere else, would you?
YES! I am planning on moving to Alaska, then after that Washington or Maine, then after that who knows? I plan to live as many places as possible before I have a family, then might settle somewhere in Tennessee or North Carolina

Are you in a good mood right now?
pretty optimistic and not bored, very good mood.

Who was the last person you spoke on the phone with for over an hour?
I don't talk on the phone over an hour, those long conversations are reserved for the face to face thing.

Do you need to say anything to someone?
I've had my say with everyone I needed to say things to, wow, I feel so light I just might float away.

What made you sad today?
My car is being a problem so I didn't get to Nooga.

Do you take compliments well?
I take them and bask in them, especially on such a sunny day. THANKS HURRICAN IDA FOR THIS TRAGICALLY BEAUTIFUL DAY. sarcasmhailstormBLAAOOH

Has a boy/girl ever called you Babe or baby?

Will you be in a relationship in four months?
no. that would not be wise.

Would you ever date somebody that was the same sex as you?
tried it, more than likely no.

Do you like to make the first move?
I could go either way. If it's someone I know really likes me already then yes, if it's someone who is a mystery to me then I like them to do it because I like the surprise.

Do you like to take walks?
yes, very long walks/hikes.

Will your next kiss be a mistake?

Who was the last person you had an argument with?
probably josh, it's been a calm week

Who do you miss right now?
i'd have to think about it, but i miss josh.

Where is the shirt you are wearing from?

Are you afraid of falling in love?
never. i love the free-fall, it's the ground that kills ya.

Do you want kids?

Does cuddling freak you out?
sometimes. i'd never really done it till about 4 years ago, it's still kinda new to me.

Did you go out or stay in last night?
I had a test today so I only went out with Josh to get a milk shake.

Would you sleep with your worst enemy?
ugh. already made that mistake. never NEVER again.

Do you feel like people treat you unfairly?
I tend to get what I deserve.

What do you want more than anything right now?
a job. to pass these Clep tests with flying colors. to get an A in Organic Chemistry, which might happen if i persevere.

How do you deal with sadness?
to sad to move sad: watch gilmore girls then go on a run with dogwolf
angry sad: drive to the park, smoke, scream adema lyrics and then swing some
pathetic sad: play piano or guitar then do some studying to feel better about my accomplished self. then maybe take a bath.

What kind of car do you want?

Do you have any piercings or tattoos?
yes and yes and want more more more

Do you have someone you can be your complete self around?
a few pebbles

If I looked on the bed next to you, what would I find? a pillow fort, a book about the Nazi empire- actually a book fort, and some study candy

Do you go to the bathroom with the door open or closed?
depends on the situation

Are your underwear and socks folded in your drawer or just thrown in?
Everything thrown in, no time for nonsense

Sleep on your back or stomach?
both at the same time

Are you a cuddler?
with some people and during the winter months.

What would I find if I looked UNDER your bed?
a yeti, a rock collection and a hot wheels collection and various other knick knacks that depress me to look at.

What were you doing before this survey?
schoolin around

What will you do after the survey?
something productive, cleanhouse

Do you sing?

Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
I don't have feelings about things, or at least that's what most people think.

Is there something you regret and wish you could take back?
not a thing.

Ever had surgery?
Yeah, no big deal..

Do you tend to rip the paper off water bottles?
only if it is already coming off

How long does it take for you to fall asleep at night?
hours if it even happens at all

When you shut off your alarm clock, do you tend to fall back asleep?
yes, that seems to be the only time i actually sleep

If you were given the chance to take care of a monkey for a weekend, would you?
Absolutly not

What are you looking forward to in the next few months?

It's midnight. Who are you texting?
Josh to say goodnight.

It's Wednesday afternoon, where are you usually?

Your Christmas list consists of?
absolutely nothing. my imaginary list consists of a mountain bike, trampoline, new car stereo, some zune accessories, and 10 pounds of candy. but i just got this new shiny laptop so I want nothing.

You need a new pair of jeans, what store do you go to first?

How do you feel about your hair?
Wish it was an unnatural funky color, like pink or blue.

What movie is in your DVD player?
Dark Knight

How much do looks matter to you in a guy/girl?
personality reveals true attraction

What's the greatest thing that happened to you today?
dad got me a bacon egg and cheese biscuit. unfortunately i have food poisoning but i look forward to eating it later.

Last night, what did you do?
watched dexter with josh, broke the news to my parents, had a very long religious discourse with the parents, school work and finally sleep..

What is your favorite color?
any ocean blue

If you were kicked out of your current residence whom would you call?
wow... if i was kicked out of my own house i would probably call the suicide hotline

Do you think you have made a difference in anyone's life?

Your last text message, what does it say?
"don't worry about it i'm sick too"

Has someone ever broken your heart?

Has anyone lied to you today?
hope not.

When's the last time you wanted to physically hurt someone?
erm... never?

Would you forgive a friend for telling your biggest secret?
Grr probably. but don't make me have to forgive you in the first place

Do you think everyone deserves a 2nd chance?
Yes and often times 3rd chances. i've given a 4th chance before, and now we are on to the 5th chance which i think i will decline to give.

Do you think money buys happiness?

The last person you texted, is the person a he or a she?

What did you do today?
nothing, about to do a lot

Would you ever live with anyone on your top friends?

Have you stayed the night at any of your top friend's house?

Would you ever get a tattoo with someone's name on it?
no! but symbolic matching tattoos is not beyond the realm of possibility...

Has anyone told you they would never leave and left?

Is there someone you don't ever want to be out of your life?

Were you happy when you woke up today?

What kind of mood are you in today?

Are you comfortable with where you are right now?
yes, i'm on the springboard ready to dive in.

Would you ever smile at a stranger?
Yes, and wave.

Do you like to have long hair or short hair?

What are your plans tomorrow?
school, people

Have you ever started a sentence with "no offense, but..."?
no. people think that little addit gives them diplomatic immunity to say whatever offensive bullshit they want. so no, if I have something uncomfortable to say, I say it, then ask for forgiveness afterward.

Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?

Do you want your life to stay the way it is right now forever?

Do you still talk to the person you were dating 4 months ago?
yes, and see him just about every day. but we are just friends and I want it to work out this way.

Have you ever been nice to someone who treated you like crap?

Could you go a month without cursing?
probably if i was mindful about it.

Would you ever get a tattoo?
yes and have

Who's the last person you were in a car with?

Anything hurting you now?
not yet

Is your current hair color mostly your natural hair color?

Is there something you want to say to someone but can't?
It's already been said by now.
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