Hello all! Just two pinch hits needed but muchly so :) If you could browse them that would be greatly appreciated. Of course you'll have a few days to fulfill them. Thanks all!
EDIT: One down one more needed!! :)
Request 1 by Trobadora
X-Men (Comicverse)
26 Sep 2012
Magneto is my favourite Marvel character, and I've really enjoyed the interactions between Magneto and Psylocke in Gillen's current run on Uncanny X-Men, so I'd love to see more of the two of them.
They first caught my eye during the Tabula Rasa arc, the conversations about Psylocke's continued involvement with X-Force and Magneto covering for her (UXM 005-008), and during the AvX tie-in issues, the Storm/Magneto/Psylocke team was just fabulous. (See issues 013 & 015-017!) So what I want is 616 Magneto and 616 Psylocke interacting, at any point in time - how friendly is up to you, just no complete enmity please. I like things nicely complicated, and they're both just the right people for that, all shades of grey and no clear-cut lines. Gen or het equally welcome.
Letter: http://trobadora.livejournal.com/414731.html
Request 2 by Trobadora
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
26 Sep 2012
Sarah Connor has been my hero since the T2 (which I actually saw before I'd seen T1), and I've been especially fascinated by Sarah's and John's relationships with terminators - the ones that weren't just trying to kill them, that is. From "Uncle Bob" in T2 to Cameron in SCC, it's such a fraught and complicated thing, uneasy and compelling.
I always regretted that Sarah never really got to interact with Catherine Weaver, one of the most interesting terminators in SCC - a terminator who's mother to an AI and a human child; a terminator whose own relationships with humans are every bit as fascinating as Sarah's with "her" terminators.
I'd love fic that focuses on Catherine and Sarah, interacting - as enemies, allies, or something in between, at any point during the show or in the future, gen or slash. Really, just something about the two of them. :)
Letter: http://trobadora.livejournal.com/414731.html
Request 3 by Trobadora
Vorkosigan Saga - Lois McMaster Bujold
26 Sep 2012
Duv Galeni is, hands down, my favourite Vorkosigan character - both because of his personality and because the themes he embodies - it's not an accident that my favourite character is Komarran. I especially like seeing a sympathetic take on what in the usual "conquering empire" scenario would be the "evil collaborator". Galeni is right in the middle of the whole Komarran mess, having started out as his father's apprentice terrorist and then becoming an ImpSec officer.
Anything around these Komarran themes would be fantastic, but if that's not quite up your alley, anything about Galeni himself would make me happy. Galeni and Ivan on Earth, before Miles arrives? Galeni and Aral, at any point? Galeni dealing with other Komarrans' view on him, or during Laisa's and Gregor's wedding on Komarr? The early stages of Duv's and Delia's courtship? Miles and Galeni during some investigation? Mark and Galeni bonding (or not) over their respective experience with Ser Galen? Anything would be good, gen, het, or slash, so long as Galeni is front and centre. :)
Letter: http://trobadora.livejournal.com/414731.html
Request 4 by Trobadora
26 Sep 2012
Gaheris fascinated me from the start: destroying the Commonwealth by trying to save it, betraying a friend for what he believed to be the greater good. Giving Dylan every chance to figure things out but not holding back one bit, no matter the cost. Gaheris Rhade and the Nietzscheans were almost made for me. (An entire culture built on Slytherin values!)
The Unconquerable Man brought it home to me again how much these themes got to me. That might have been my ideal version of the show: the man who destroyed he Commonwealth trying to rebuild it. (Or the both of them surviving and forming an uneasy alliance.)
I'm not much for pairings in this fandom, so I'd love to see a story that focuses on Gaheris himself: Anything centred around him, at any point in either version of history. Something that lets him shine, and makes him second best to no one. Please?
Letter: http://trobadora.livejournal.com/414731.html
Request 5 by Trobadora
Coldfire Trilogy - C. S. Friedman
26 Sep 2012
Anything Tarrant-centric would be great! I'm a fan of Tarrant especially in his Hunter incarnation, but anything centred around him at any time in his life will make me happy.
He has a fascinating dynamic with so many people in the trilogy, so no matter what you choose it's all good. By himself (maybe performing some fae-related experiments?), with Damien (slash or gen, their dynamic is fabulous - not to mention the channel between them), with Hesseth (perhaps from her POV?), with Jenseny (at any point during their journey together), with Narilka (I loved their interactions in the first book) ... Endless possibilities! Gen, slash or het equally welcome.
Like just about everyone else, I'm not 100% convinced about the ending of the trilogy, so if you wanted to write something that went AU at some point I'd be just as happy with that as with something completely canon-based.
Letter: http://trobadora.livejournal.com/414731.html
Request 6 by Trobadora
The Administration - Manna Francis
26 Sep 2012
Toreth as a character is endlessly fascinating to me - a functional sociopath who's getting more and more socialised. Anything that focuses on him during any part of that process, his interactions with other people, his view of the world, would make me very happy. I'm also fascinated by the concept of a sociopathic torturer as an unlikely sympathetic protagonist and increasingly sympathetic figure even while he never ceases to be a sociopath or a torturer.
Despite the fact that the series focuses heavily on Warrick/Toreth slash, I'm more interested in Toreth himself than the pairing, so gen, slash or het are equally welcome. And I wouldn't mind if you chose to go AU at any point.
Letter: http://trobadora.livejournal.com/414731.html