Raven has two major personalities within the game, one with far more screen time than the other.
“Raven” is seen to be a fun-loving, easy-going old man who loves women and loves to complain about the kids. He is always happy to joke around, though he often loathes being at the centre of the joke himself. He is also a comedic pervert; when he first meets the busty Judith he is enamoured and is fond of calling the girls in the party “darlin’”. He also enjoys teasing the younger members of the party, especially Rita and Karol, saying things such as “Yer kinda cute when yer embarrassed!” and scaring Karol by tempting a large bug monster to attack.
Despite his appearance of being a loaf and a layabout, Raven can be quite series, certain when his own fate or the fate of his friends is on the line. During a talk with Yuri at Dahngrest he appears nervous about what will happen to him in the end and when he speaks about Casey he becomes quiet and nostalgic. He quickly snaps out of these moods, however, often with a joke or a teasing remark. In battle Raven is also very serious and is able to use his weapon and artes with skill and accuracy, possibly due to his Knight training.
“Schwann”, however, is very different to the Raven persona. During the short scenes it is shown that Schwann is very much an obedient Knight; he is quick, to the point and abrupt. At the end of the battle, Schwann appears to be a serious, compassionate, and understanding person; he understands what the party desires to do and his own place in Alexei’s grand plans, knowing that he has always been a pawn. Perhaps not ever feeling as though anyone truly ‘cared’ for him as Schwann, the persona is aloof; he does, however, make sure that his men have left the Shrine before he takes part in combat with the group, indicating great concern for his men and an understanding of his own position.
Raven is a fatherly figure for the group. He can be a goofy, good-for-nothing old man, but he is also concerned for his friends, loyal once tested and able to lift the mood. He is a mixture of two different men and emerges as a strong individual who is a welcome addition to the miss-matched group.