Name- Incardine
LJ- incardine
Email address-
AIM/MSN/YIM (optional)- On File
Character, series- Rita Mordio, Tales of Vesperia
Character journal-
blastiaotaku Character type- Rita is between a secondary and main character - second female lead.
Digimon partner-
Black Tailmon - Lynxmon - Bastemon - Reichmon
D-Comm colours/symbol- Red, with a simple, looping blastia circuit diagram for a symbol.
Imported from another RP?- No
Character appearance- Note that the scarf is actually one of Rita's weapon options (she uses scarves and whips).
Character age- 15
Character history- Headcanon- For the purposes of this app, I presume that ALL sidequests apply, thoroughly. Yes, even the guest bosses. I separated them so that all information related to one sidequest goes together, and because they can mostly be done in a nonspecific order. A few things that are phases of sidequests slipped into the main app - I note these cases next to the matching sidequest. Character personality-
Rita, at first glance, is antisocial, serious, and quick to get annoyed... Often to the point of violence. Unfortunately, this is true at most glances. The severity of her attacks is proportionate to her view of the individual - young, derpy Karol would often get a swat upside the head, while the older pervert of the group, Raven, was often kicked and even got to experience Rita's fireballs (which seem to be her personal favorite magic outside of battle. Strangely, the basic battle magics best for her to use are water-element). (Even Yuri and Estelle aren't safe - Yuri takes a swat to the gut at one point, and both get fireballed in the face during the play in Nam Cobanda...) She also tends to view significant things as inherently involving risk and sacrifice, becoming bullheaded about a decision to do much of anything in spite of the risks.
This impatient streak even extends to her combat style, which tends to be quick, efficient to the point of recklessness, and heavy on massive spells. (If she says "Blah blah blah," it's already too late to run.) She does not like fights lasting long, and gets pissy if knocked down due to the inevitable dirt and dust on her clothes from when it happens. She does maintain several techniques for fighting at a closer range, including techniques such as card tossing, but dislikes using them. She really likes using her magic, even in odd climes - for example, forgetting how hot she is in the desert by spamming fire magic. (Yes, FIRE magic. In the desert.) Out of the party, she is the one most likely to wonder about the recurring gag of Yuri being cursed, due to how often he ends up fighting.
Rita's antisocial streak is largely borne out of a fairly large obsession with her research, and a still-present distrust of people. She, for most of her life, has believed blastia to be more reliable than humans, even naming them and personifying them. This partially pays off in her sheer level of genius in all manner of areas of science, and ability to learn things rapidly - but at the cost of severe social awkwardness and eccentricity. (Her tendency to personify objects is NOT limited to blastia.) Further, there are few ways to frustrate her further than to interrupt her research, at any time, for any reason. Quite simply, she is not used to any significant relationships outside of professional ones, even after a significant time with Yuri's group. And even after all this time, when something inspires her, she can run into streams of ideas, and gets a little too happy when something inspires her research.
She can warm up to people over time - particularly, this is demonstrated to Estelle, who went out of her way to try and bring Rita into a social life. Rita is closer to Estelle than almost anyone, to a level of dere-dere that may indicate something more along the lines of an active lust for Estelle - not that Rita would EVER admit it. While most of the party besides Estelle joke about it one way or another, Rita never QUITE says it - though Estelle is, at the very least, okay with it in canon when Rita admits what 'yuri' (the term) means. This, in turn, has also opened her up to social relationships, at least with some people familiar to Estelle, over time. Note, however, that her building friendship does not protect one from Rita's often violent tendencies - in fact, as Raven can attest, in some ways it makes her more wrathful, and she occasionally is (subtly) mean to even Estelle...
A two-minute handy summation of Rita's personality (outside of her research obsession) is available at: Personality Trivia/Interpretations:
* Rita starts viewing monsters as only existing to be defeated as things go on.
* Rita's level of genius is in the "best in world" class - a natural Reed Richards.
* Rita seems to get along well with dogs, or at least Repede... But she's more of a cat person, quickly getting into character when placed in a catgirl-ish outfit.
* Rita's cooking is plain, but not particularly unpleasant. She tends to think practically about food, not having particular preferences. "It's all the same mush in the stomach, anyways." That said, she's a fair bit of a snack fiend and admitted (before denying her admittance) to losing sleep over gels (which draws immense snark from half the party - Raven in particular).
* Rita is somewhere between being lesbian and flat-out asexual. It might be most accurate to say that she's Estellesexual, really, given her limited reactions to Judith (which is commented on - Estelle admits to being jealous of Judith's body, whereas Rita never quite comments on it.)
* Rita views using magic to fly as a great stress reliever.
* Rita's one major fear is ghosts. And apparently, Yuri's secret ingredient in cooking.
* Rita is flat-chested, but does not seem to mind - she thinks large breasts would just get in the way. (Just don't call her names related to it - that will piss her off.)
* Rita, notably, doesn't seem to take special care of her appearance - her mismatched stockings and large number of pockets, plus use of her sash as a weapon and trademark goggles (always on her head) place practicality over style persistently. That said... Do not mock her swimsuit if you want to live with all limbs intact.
* Rita, like both Estelle and Judith, is not precisely the best with money. She views heavy spending as a way to bring money back to the group... And the money's friends with it. She in fact is a little OCD about this, marking the group's tools and even gels with her full name (something Raven eventually comments on - after all, the group has to eat those. I'd like to note that most inks in real-world renaissance eras were toxic.)
* Rita doesn't like victory poses.
* Rita is capable of handling books that would drive lesser minds insane. Whether this just means they're too complex for most, or that they're literally Necronomiconian is unclear.
* Rita finds simpler spells boring, often passing "powerful" magics up because they're too simple (calling them "Estelle's sort of magic" - a subtle comment on how simple Estelle can be sometimes).
* Every so often, Rita will get mentally sidetracked in mid conversation, mumbling about details on one or another theory.
* Rita isn't much of one for prizes and honors, and doesn't consider published research papers a strong measure of her worth as a scientist.
* Rita really likes her whips. Cloth whips, leather whips, Ivy's sword whip, even measuring tape will do!
* Rita is capable of failing wisdom checks as basic as "Don't pull a dog's tail to try and cheer him up". (Yes, Repede bit her for that one.)
* Estelle and possibly Yuri can talk Rita into all sorts of things she would never normally agree to. I see this never being abused ever by Estelle, Haruhi Suzumiya, Estelle, any Vocaloid/UTAU, or Estelle. (Definition of "abused" being highly variable and proportionate to the mutual silliness of the muns that day.)
Digimon personality-
Rita's BlackTailmon partner is quiet, subtle, and easily distracted. By almost anything. While no one around her is quite willing to call it Attention Deficit Disorder, particularly since she can focus on things when she wants to... Say, when they're annoying her or (more likely) Rita. Most of the time, otherwise, though, she flits from topic to topic - occasionally even in mid-sentence - when she deigns to speak at all.
Her quiet nature hides a generally positive disposition, calm sense of humor, and surprisingly strong trust for Rita and those who she trusts. See believes in her partner's ability to do the right thing... Though she finds her extremely long attention span confusing sometimes.
BlackTailmon likes to stay around Rita most of the time, partially out of worry about her, partially because she gets generally positive reactions out of her. She loves having her stomach scratched, in particular. Rita may, however, throw her at an annoying person - which she takes as a cue to smack them with a nice, hard Neko Punch to the whatever-is-closest-at-hand.
For some reason, BlackTailmon really likes many foods that are extremely dangerous to non-digital cats, such as chocolate, garlic, grapes, various sorts of berries, and caffeine. ESPECIALLY caffeine.
Character abilities-
* Genius intellect. SERIOUSLY genius intellect.
* Expert at all sorts of research.
* Surprisingly strong for a mage type - her Rita Punch is capable of knocking fully-grown men right to the ground, and she can successfully pull the hold-the-pipsqueak's-head routine on Karol (who has the greatest raw strength in Brave Vesperia).
* Very good at card and dice games.
* General combat magician - even post-game, when blastia (the primary source of magic) are gone, she is implied (via content in sidequests) to have rapidly redeveloped her magics, now using the newer energy source of mana (literally, the sacrifice of blastia created mana). She uses a lot of fire magic, some earth and water magic, a few non-elemental rapid-cast techniques, and even some shadow-element spells. She is even capable of casting extreme-power techniques, including her Mystic Artes, Ancient Catastrophe and Indignation (which wasn't in the US version) - not precisely on the Dragon Slave's level, but certainly not TOO distant either (if a lot more localized in their damage, given she can safely use both in arena combat).
* A form of flight magic, and a device for flight as well. Her flight magic is strong enough to carry others.
* Rita's actually pretty good with computers and similar tech, able to adapt to them quickly - after all, computer-like tech is how larger-scale blastia were controlled in the setting.
Most of Rita's equipment isn't very special, though the lens visible on her outfit is a Magic Lens, capable of reading all kinds of useful creature properties.
Sample RP-
The room was a mess. Not that this would surprise anyone who knew Rita, but it still bore saying that her bedroom/lab was ill-organized. A pile of books in the center of the floor, clothes sticking out of the dresser (except for one conspicuously closed drawer), and shelves full of various and sundry apparatus for everything from chemistry to theoretical physics to magical research. Only a corner with a cat-sized bed and some basic food supplies showed any obvious signs of organization.
This was the sort of environment that Rita was used to. It was a small taste of home. Smaller than her lab, for sure, but close enough for the kinds of research she wanted - no, needed - to do. This place was new, but it had laws... And she had to start uncovering them. Understanding, that would do more than anything or anyone could do for her right now.
At least, that was the best conclusion she could come up with to this situation. There were too many questions for her to be at peace as it was. Like how Estelle had been here for a long time, and yet had been at the capital when she visited for tea not a day before her own arrival. And... No, Rita would not even think about that for now.
Sample journal entry-
All right, so... Is this thing on?
I'm told this "D-Comm" can communicate remotely with other such devices. Not a clue how that works, but whatever. My name is Rita Mordio, and I'm a mana researcher.
Rita, that doesn't really apply to much here.
Okay, SCIENTIST. THAT had better be of some use! Anyways, can someone please explain who the hell thought knocking me out, kidnapping me to a place I've never been, and handing me some device that I'm not even sure does what it claims was a good idea?
... Not like I haven't been trying for the past five minutes...
You know, you might sound annoyed, but you're still rubbing my stomach...
Magic Lens - able to scan creatures for useful statistics. Presumably able to scan other things too.