This evening I had steak and kidney pie for dinner. It was pretty good.
It was vastly better than the peach I had afterwards, which smelled good
and seemed a bit firm, but was still green. Apparently, Georgian produce
is a lot worse when it's not quite ready in comparison with that of
Florida. All this was consumed while reading a copy of my
hometown newspaper, which was a
joyful thing even if that edition was a month and a half old.
That's the newsy preface to my calendar for the next six months. If you're
in Southeast Germany, Venice, or Hagenberg, Austria during that period,
you should let me know. Maybe we can do lunch. Perhaps it goes
without saying, but you should definitely do the same if you are going to
be in the viscinity of Edinburgh within the next three years, too.
Robert's Upcoming Events
4 March: Submit paper to
For the past few months, I have been working on a paper which resolves
some difficulties with the software on which my research focuses. We are
submitting it next Sunday evening. This week is going to be insane.
18-24 March: Visit the
OMEGA research
Two of my colleagues and I will be travelling to Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany to work with
researchers in this group. I still have to figure out what I want to get
out of this experience.
24-27 March: Visit a friend and make new ones in Freiburg,
I know someone who is working on a Master's in Frieburg. It's just a
hop, skip and a jump away from the previous week's research collaboration, and there'll
be a free place to sleep.
2 April: Hear decision from MKM referees.
This is when I find out just how acceptable my work over the last few
months has been, and if I am going to get to go to Austria.
18-24 May: Sisters here.
They are coming! For real! Yay!
~1-4 June: Music in Venice.
To all of you who have to stay in Lake Wales: Hah, hah! I get to hear
and you don't! For the past three years, I have consistently been missing
their performances. Now the tables are turned!
~4-9 June: Sisters back here.
And they are staying for more than a week! Woohoo!
27-30 June: Mathematical Knowledge Management conference.
This is the only significant conference in our field, and if our
paper is accepted, I will be the one to present it to the community. Otherwise, this is just another weekend in Edinburgh.
Some time before August: Move in to the Chaplaincy.
This truly warrants a post of its own, but I know where I am going to
live next year, and I am quite excited about it!