It is official: Academic all-nighters are more fun when there are still people in the lab at 10:00pm.
I just turned in a paper. It's a fair-sized paper.
You could read it, if you wanted. Even better, you could tell me how to improve it before it's set in stone. :c) That is, if you feel like you have too much free time.
Comments 8
Oh yeah, and it is long.
Well, I got a call from a school in Polk County that is looking for a teacher, and was going to see if you knew anything about that school. It's Discovery Academy in Lake Alfred.
Any inforinput would be greatly can either reply here or post the the entry in my LJ.
Thanks in advance.
Fair-sized? 29 pages isn't that long. :p My senior research at Stetson was longer than that. (you know I am just teasing you) :)
If I knew more about your topic I'd put in some input, but alas I do not.
The formatting looks familiar though...could it be LaTeX?
And dang straight it's LaTeX. Accept no subsitutes! :cD
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