Wow.. I was up to late last night, glued to my TV watching it unfold.
It was slow going at first, but I was heartened by the number of Red states that were to close or early to call. I was watching everything, flipping back and forth between CNN, MSNBC, and ABC see the states slowly shift as the polls closed.
I had my first Woop when Ohio went. That was when my anxiety finaly started to go. We took Ohio. We took the North East. We took the Great Lakes... The West coast will put us over...
Still the wait.
I decided to support Obama after his Speech at the 2004 Democratic Convention. I listened to that speech, and looked at that man, and said, he will be president someday. I could see it from his demeanor, and from the quality of his convictions. No Red States, No Blue States, but the United States. That line meant a lot to me. I am a Democrat, but I do not believe that Republicans are inherently evil, or that all their ideas are bad, just because their Republican Ideals. This county would not be what it was, without those differences in opinion. This is just to put in context. I didn't Support Obama because of the War, or because of the Economy. I supported him because I believed in a United States.
When he Announced his run, I was excited. I thought it would be four more years, but I figured if he was the man I believed him to be, then four years wouldn't change much. So now was as good a time as any. I gave what I could to his campaign, and when the primaries came through, I volunteered for caucus day. I did my part. I pushed my precinct, and helped Obama take it 4 to 2. When Caucus part 2 happened, I was there to ensure my precinct was fully represented. I didn't run to be a CD Delegate, because I knew I couldn't go to Denver, So I let others run. But I voted and I did my part.
I followed every step of the way, through every caucus and primary. I followed the ups and downs, the ins and outs. I Held on to my hope, and my belief that Americans wanted a United States, not a Red state versus Blue States, and they would see through the rhetoric. I got married, and spare funds dried up, so I couldn't donate any more money. I was dissapointed with the some of the far right. That they could not look past their own hatred and bigotry to see that he was a good man, and that their Vitriol would only lead to their own disappointment. I was disappointed with the far left, for not listening to the speeches. For getting to caught up in their own politics to hear what he was actually saying.
I was tired, and couldn't donate any more time, so there was only one thing left. I voted, and I watched.
Tick tick.. time goes by. 7:00 comes, and more states are called for McCain, but they are all expected. More for Obama, and they are all as predicted. Tick... 8:00... West Coast Closes, Obama Wins.
I can't describe how much pride I have in actually participating in getting a man I respect and believe in Elected President. That I did more than sit on the side lines and poke at it. That I got involved, and my involvement made a difference. If I can make a difference, then I know my choice in president will make an even bigger difference.
So welcome back to the United States of America and Congratulations Mr. President Elect Barrack Obama.