i finally doesed off at about..3:30, 4am.....but then one of the dogs wakes everyone up barking at something....so i let him out...
well the back door is right next to the basement door...and i heard my sister crying..so i quickly let the dog out and ran downstairs to see what was wrong. she's a pain in the ass half the time but i still care for her. she has a problem where her knee gets stuck in place and it hurts really bad. and no one knows why yet...so i ran back up stairs and got mom so she could help her. i honestly feel really bad for my sister. she gets in so much pain and no one even knowns why. she's had to go to the hospital a few times because of how bad it can get. and each time i feel bad...cause i have like no problems...i have no idea how much pain she goes through. i mean yeah, im lucky, im not complaining. but i just wish i knew how to help her.
she was ok once she could move. so we all stayed up...our cat-naps energized us enough lol. around 9:30 we all went to grandmoms. they don't really know how i can get history on someone in my family -_-. but i wanna keep trying. so we talked and stuff...then we had to leave cause jessie had a doctor's appointment. well we sat in there for nothing lol. her other doctor didn't send her x-rays and stuff over. so we left.
went tot he petstore! ^_^ to look for a new cage for marius. the one we had him in was too small, but it was only temporary. the first one we went too had one..but it was too bent...but i enjoyed looking at the animals so its cool with me lol. omg..i wanted that feret...or at least just to hold him! he was all alone and he kept standing up at the front of the cage like "take me out?". i wanted to pet him sooooo bad! and i loved looking at the snakes too ^_^. wish i could have another one.
they had a blue and gold maccaw out too. he was soo pretty.
then we went to another pet store to look for a cage...they didn't have any we were looking for...i wanted to stay and looka t the animals some more but they were like "no, lets go..." so i was like "fine.." -_-
then we went to a third petstore.....at i wish i was 18..cause then i could become a voluenteer to help the cats and dogs!!!...but i gotts wait 5 months -_-....
but there's gonna be a petstore moving closer to us. so when they open im gonna see if they're looking for ppl to work for em, and see if i can do it ^_^
then we went to k-mart then came home..and i went to bed for a while...lol
new song obsession is Savin' Me - Nickelback