I've made the sexiest, bitchin'-ist journal ever

Feb 29, 2004 22:29

First, I'd like to congratulate myself... "Congratulations Nick."

Second, I made a new layout.  I wasn't very happy with my old one... if you don't remember, I think I said that a few months ago, :-p.  I was bored today, so I whipped it up.  This is the first one that I've created entirely from scratch.  I think it's decent.

I spent the past few days... wait, no, I haven't been home these past two days... hmm, well, sometime this week I started on different designs.  I trashed all of them.  I started one today and liked it, so here it is.  Let's see... the process:  (1) Envisioned it in my head; (2) constructed it in Macromedia Fireworks w/ layers, vectors, effects and all; (3) did some stuff in Photoshop; (4) did some of the html/css parts in Microsoft Frontpage; (5) pieced it together in a new lj style; (6) finished "coding" (::laugh::) it via the lj style manager

In more depth: (1) used the vector-rectangle tool to create the boxes (solid fill- #1b1b1b; edge- feather, 12; texture of fill- diagonal line 1, 5%; border- #333333, 1px); left contour line- vector line (gradient fill: #808080 to #ffffff); (2) header/category text: Brooklyn Kid font, size 30/19, effects- drop shadow, inner glow, glow

There will be numerous changes and tweaking until it is completely completed. I also have to get it as browser compatible as is possible.

In other news, I'm glad I also got to fit in a really nice run today.  It was fuckin' gorgeous outside... it broke sixty degrees!  This entire week is going to be reasonably warm and beautiful... awesome, awesome, awesome, you mo'fo's.
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