truthfullyFantasy [TF] began trolling stoicPummler [SP] at 3:25 AM.
TF: hey
TF: sephone
TF: today's the day we can finally stop pretending
TF: 'cause
TF: the worlds gonna blow
SP: Really.
SP: I had no idea abou+ +hat.
SP: Wha+ wi+h +alking abou+ i+ again and again over the pas+ few mon+hs on wha+ we'll do.
SP: Oh, and +he me+eors.
SP: +he me+eors ou+side gave me no idea.
TF: do you have the clients running
TF: just say yes
TF: pandia had me enter first and frankly
TF: a three person session sounds completely dangerous
TF: in fact
TF: it is
TF: and we are not going
TF: to win
TF: at all
SP: +he clouds seemed op+imis+ic. You are sure your in+el from the horror+errors is righ+?
TF: considering ive been hearing it my entire life relatively
TF: i already swore allegiance to derse royalty
TF: you need to come down from prospit
TF: and stay where its safe until the war is over
SP: You forge+ one crucial fac+.
SP: I have ye+ to en+er.
TF: well thats why im iming you
TF: im your server
TF: youre pandias server
TF: and well all get in before the meteors
TF: i bear some bad news
SP: Wha+?
SP: Our imminen+ des+ruc+ion was no+ +he wors+ of i+?
SP: Please, +ell me more.
TF: youre going to have to die
SP: Oh.
SP: You mean like how you were if anyone found ou+ abou+ our li++le secre+?
TF: for the last
TF: time
TF: we dont have to fake that anymore
TF: i mean what if the anons found out we were actually
TF: museboxing ships
TF: instead of that fake war we had to wage on the comm
TF: and when we beat eachother up at the usual rpmeet
TF: you usually win 8(
TF: your white knightsre stronger than mine
TF: which is probably why youre prospitan
TF: anyway you have to kill yourself
SP: How am I sure +his isn+ a fi+ of las+ minu+e kismesi+ude?
SP: You were oddly convincing from +ime +o +ime.
TF: one
TF: you would destroy me in a fight
TF: two
TF: its a revival sort of deal
TF: tell me when you have all your fraymotifs and
TF: levels and stuff
TF: then find your quest bed and knife yourself
TF: easy
TF: you revive
TF: literally focus on nothing else
TF: subterfuge prospit derse its all a waste of time
TF: we need to
TF: get in
TF: and
TF: get out
SP: +hrough the veil, correc+?
SP: You have been very obs+ina+e abou+ i+.
TF: we cant win
TF: all we can do is
TF: buff ourselves for the journey
TF: I've been charting the map through the veil on my walls
TF: in my sleep
TF: oh
TF: and
TF: sephone
SP: Yes?
SP: Any las+ de+ails, Seer?
TF: kill your lusus
TF: and
TF: listen this is weird
TF: keep all your stuff intact
TF: i dont know why but its important
TF: really
TF: important
SP: Your gods have failed +o spill all +he de+ails?
TF: communicating with them is hard
TF: see you in the session
TF: remember
TF: were in and out
TF: this is just a caper to
TF: escape the meteors
TF: the other option aside from die
TF: after that and after the map
TF: i dunno whatll happen
TF: but living
TF: living is a good idea
SP: I had no idea.
SP: Survival: impor+an+.
SP: I'll mark that down.
SP: Be sure +o make a cosplay of +yvash.
SP: We promised +o mee+ in cos+ume.
SP: And FLARP for a while before ge++ing back +o work.
SP: Since we have a whole +wo new plane+s +o do so.
SP: We can even invi+e Pandia.
SP: She's in+o cos+uming already.
TF: already
TF: done
TF: :)
TF: bb you know id never forget the special details
TF: ill tell her shell be thrilled
TF: shes been really down about the whole world ending
TF: thing
TF: playing around sounds fun
SP: +ha+'s all I can +hink of.
SP: See you soon.
TF: laterrrr