Here are the winners! Thank you to everyone who was able to participate - submitters and voters. XD
First Place
crazydiamond_ Second Place
baka_bunnies Third Place (tie)
m1ch1ru Most Creative
ffyunie Moderator's Choice
yukisuzu Runners Up - 4th , 5th , and 6th place:
phrixus_ by
m1ch1ru by
kiri_no_ookami Congratulations!
kumo will be doing banners this week unless otherwise stated. Remember if you won and would like a banner leave a comment.
Banner Reminder:
shadowvitani is doing banners for
Week 67 and
Week 71.
wolf_gazer is doing banners for
Week 76.
As always, banner rotation is linked in the userinfo for easy reference.
New Affiliate:
sentient_icons - icon challenge community in which members choose a subject and make 25 icons based on the 25 themes given to them. The community's themes are based on emotions. The challenge is to make 25 icons that convey each one of the 25 given emotions.