Name/Nickname: Jacey
Age: Twenty
Likes: Words (both writing and reading them), cats, caffeine, astrology, researching various subjects that catch my attention, learning new things, animal rights.
Dislikes: Intolerance of any sort (homophobia, racism, religious intolerance, whatever), animal abuse, anyone or anything hurting the people that I love.
Strong points: Fiercely protective and loyal, empathetic, people seem to feel as though they can trust me very easily, I generally know what to say to make someone feel better, I’m creative.
Weaker points: I have a very hard time completely opening up to anyone, I panic and stress entirely too much, I can’t stand being alone, I can be too hard on myself.
Hobbies &/or Talents: Writing, reading, astrology, playing with my kitties, researching things, beading. A lot of the same things as my likes, basically.
Favorite color: Blue-gray.
Favorite animal: Cats!
Favorite season: Autumn.
Mature or Immature: Mature. Granted, I can have my silly moments, but overall I’m more mature.
Leader or Follower: Follower. I much prefer to stay in the background, following and helping someone I truly respect.
Outgoing or Shy: Shy. I’m friendly if approached, but I rarely do the approaching myself.
Confident or Modest: Modest. Even if I do happen to have a positive thought about myself, it’s very rare that I’ll actually voice it. XD
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: Realist. If something is good, I’ll let myself be happy about it; but if something really is that bad, I’m not going to delude myself and pretend otherwise.
Low, medium, or high energy level: Medium.
Goals in life: Be a successful author, open a successful bookshop of my own, become a certified astrologer, get married, travel to all the places I want to see.
Favorite quote & why: I have…a lot. o.o; But I’m going to go with this one:
"It’s interesting to cut yourself to pieces once in a while, and wait to see if the fragments will sprout."
-- T.S. Eliot
Because it’s true.
Describe your personality in three words or more: Creative, empathic, stubborn, snarky, intensely loyal.
Favorite character & why: Urahara. I love characters - and actual people - with poker faces. The ones who build up so many facades you never know quite what they think or where the truth lies with them. And I love breaking them down until I finally understand their motivations. (That said, I’m also a complete sucker for goofy men. 8D) I also have huge soft spots for Yumichika, Uryuu, and Nanao. ♥
Least favorite character & why: Hm…probably Mayuri. I’ll be honest; he completely freaks me out. XD And too, he doesn’t even strike me as an interesting sort of evil. (Unlike, say, Gin and Aizen. While you may not like those two, they’re certainly intriguing to read about.)
Anything else: Not really~! ^_^
How did you find this community: Just through an interests search for ‘Bleach.’
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