Soul Society

Oct 19, 2007 12:23

Name/Nickname: Alice
Age: 17

Likes: parties,rain,music - listening to it loud,concerts,art,reading,playing the guitar,football(soccer),London,cult films,laughing,being with friends.

Dislikes: sunday nights,Monday mornings,close minded people,throwing up,generally annoying people

Strong points: I would say im very aware and understanding of peoples feelings and emotions,compassionate and knowing how to deal in less then pleasent situations.I love quite strongly and because of that im loyal and trustworthy.

Weaker points: Having to take control is a big problem as it puts me in a lot of akward situations that I didn't want to be in at the start.I can snap at people and be dismissive when in a bad mood or generally not interested.I wouldnt say I let people walk over me as thats not the case at all,but often I can be too willing to let things go...too nice maybe? Extremely indecisive over things that don't really matter which even bugs me.I'm ill all the time too which I guess is my bodies failing hah

Hobbies &/or Talents: Artistic

Favorite color: It's a toss up between green and red.I always unconciously go for green things.

Favorite animal: Squirrels

Favorite season: Winter.Not only is christmas in the winter,which i love,it's my birthday so thats nice :P I love just wrapping up warm in scarves,coats and gloves when going out.Also when you come back home after having a day out it's all warm and comforting in doors.I also think i can handle the cold better then extreme heat.

Mature or Immature: Mature when need be,but immature seems to be ever so slightly more satisfying.

Leader or Follower: Leader.I can reluctantly let someone else take the lead if i believe in their ablilities but most of time I have to take lead as I need things to be done to the standard i have in mind.

Outgoing or Shy: outgoing

Confident or Modest: Im personally confident about my abilities,but when it comes talking about such im rather modest.An example being yesterday,when a women wanted to buy a painting
from me.I personally know Im good,but the whole situation made me embarassed.

Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: Pessimistic.I generally have a sunny outter appearance but im deeply pessimistic inside.I think only a handful of people truely know that though.

Low, medium, or high energy level: Depends on the situation.With college being as it is at the moment my energy levels are quite low as it's so repetitive and unchallanging that i just don't want to do anything.Now put me in the situation of seeing Dir en Grey some weeks ago and my energy level was definitely through the roof hah I prefer having high or medium levels of energy though,you generally feel better.When it's low you feel in the way and useless which sucks.I like going mental.

Goals in life: Move to London in the next year so I will be closer to my Art College.Save up enough money to go to Japan (how cliche,im sure you hear that all the time) and to better myself generally.As a person and in my talents.Urgh,and get some of my tatoos finished.

Favorite quote & why:

'I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their good intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies.' from The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde.

The Picture of Dorian Gray is one of my favourite books anyway,but I remember that particular bit standing out.The ending part about enemies made me chuckle.Maybe it was the utter relisation that I could relate.I hope this is alright but I have to put this one down also.

'To get back my youth I would do anything in the world, except take exercise, get up early, or be respectable.'

This is also from The Picture of Dorian Gray.With the first quote I could apply it to myself now,with this one,I can imagine myself being as such in a few years.Hell,i suppose it relates now even as i would never have picked up on it!

Describe your personality in three words or more: understanding,loving,aware,sarcastic,strange

Favorite character & why: Thats tough as it seems to be ever changing.I've always loved Urahara,but then I started liking Renji...and then Ukitake.So tomorrow it'll be probably someone different heh But those three I would keep as my top ones.I would like to give a reason,but as in real life you just like people for no particular reason,you are just drawn to them.Oops I totally forgot about Hisagi! How could I...yeah i'm loving him right now hah

Least favorite character & why: err Mayuri Kurotsuchi? Creeps me out.

Anything else: nooo

How did you find this community: I honestly can't remember,just browsing?

Please link the links to the three members you voted on:

stamped, ukitake

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