Soul Society

Nov 21, 2007 10:07

Name/Nickname: Sara (Ari) (Ryu) (Dragon)
Age: 15

Likes: Butterfingers, roast beef hoagies, green tea, food, glasses, fuzzy soft things, being different.
Dislikes: Onions, goody two shoes.

Strong points: My intellectual ability, my artistic streak, and my attitude.
Weaker points: School.

Hobbies &/or Talents: Art, being nice, being mean on the inside,

Favorite color: Green and black
Favorite animal: Wolf, kangaroo
Favorite season: Fall, and winter.

Mature or Immature: Mature.
Leader or Follower: Leader
Outgoing or Shy: Outgoing
Confident or Modest: Confident
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: Optimistic
Low, medium, or high energy level: Medium

Goals in life: To dictate the world, and make it be the way it's supposed to! *Dark chuckle*

Favorite quote & why: Before you set out on a journey of revenge..... dig two graves....
Maybe three... depending on how many people pissed you off.
-The original quote is by Confucius... the last part I made up.

Describe your personality in three words or more: Chill, easy to befriend, loyal.

Favorite character & why: Aizen, because he's like a teddy bear stuffed with spiders and other terrible things.
Least favorite character & why: UH. GIN. YESITSGIN BECAUSEHE'SSCARY.

Anything else: Nope I'm good. Cl
How did you find this community: Through a very interesting someone Cl
Please link the links to the three members you voted on: 1 2 3

aizen, stamped

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