Yeah. *waves* Me again! Anyway, since my first application was near-unanimous all with very brief answers, I think maybe it was too vague, and since I was massive-tied for so long on my second one, it must have not been specific enough. So I gave it another shot. I apologize - it's massive.
Name/Nickname: Blue
Age: Teens. That’s all I’ll say.
Likes: Bleach, naturally, and any other really good manga/anime/book/show/game/play/whatevah, getting my way (;3), ego-stroking, anything easy on the eyes and/or the ears, theater, particularly when I’m acting (I played Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet! Favorite role so far!), music (Queen for the win! I’m also partial to MCR and random showtunes), singing, dancing (It surprises me that I’m the only gal in my intermediate class who isn’t afraid of... scratch that, who enjoys hip-shaking...), scarves, that or shirt collars that stick up, jackets with sleeves that are just a little too long (I’m almost never without a jacket), opportunities to show off, chances to relax and be lazy, chances to be important, chances to act childish, comfort food, a little appreciation, people I have things in common with, the limelight. And hearing my own voice, I admit.
Dislikes: Lessee. Being ignored, being patronized, being overcomplimented by people who just want to get on my good side, being used, being thought of as unimportant, losing anything, having to do anything I don’t find interesting, having my confidence crushed, and getting any kind of punishment. I would say being underestimated, but I kinda like it... It gives me a chance to blow people away.
Oh. Almost forgot. How silly of me. I hate when people get something I wanted and/or deserved more (particularly parts in plays. *still sulking because the annoying brat got to play Rumpelteazer and really suckied it up*) and, like I said last time, someone taking something that I think is rightfully mine.
Strong points: The gift of drama. I’m aware of myself and realize that everything about me is expressive. I’m always striking a pose or singing a song. I have many different facets to my personality that I display as I see fit or depending on my mood. I can throw the cute face or the evil eyes at any given moment. I can be as subtle or as blunt as I want. Even my mean comments can seem all in good nature if I'm in the middle of one of my cute, innocent displays. The drama teacher said part of why I played Tybalt is because of a certain style I have and a certain intensity I can show when I want to. I can even get people who dislike me to think about my point of view for a moment. Sometimes I’ll have everyone thinking I’m harmless, innocent, shy, sweet, angelic. Maybe I’ll be a little more open than that and catch everyone’s eye, some people thinking of me as awesome and charming, someone they want as their friend. I can also be evil and calculating if I need to, so better not mess with me. I’m stronger in many, many ways than first meets the eye. And I’ve got many speech patterns and voice tones to match my many-sided self. I’m known for being intelligent, graceful, witty, and tasteful. People in every age category imaginable tell me have good taste, and I have an eye for aesthetic. And I’m attractive. ;3 Not just my face. I’m decently curvy, too, which I like. I don’t like boobs, though... For a while I was okay (not loving it, but fine with it, I honestly didn’t care) with having the biggest chest in school, but when I wanted to audition for a male role in Romeo and Juliet, I realized it really just gets in the way.
Sorry for the tangent. What have I left out...? Mmkay. Using many of my above skills, I can be absolutely charming. I can turn you on my side, scare the living crap outta you, and at least earn you my respect... I must have some weird appeal or something, because it seems like certain kinds of people find me absolutely magnetic. People say I have a weird charisma. Sometimes I know I’m giving some weird childish air, other times elegance, other times people think I’m all-around awesome. I keep a very cool head and attitude when I’m happy and confident, and I very often am confident. I love being noticed, but I’m not an attention whore. I earn it and make sure I’m noticed for things I want to be noticed. I am quick to judge, but I don’t show it. If I dislike you but you seem to like me, I’ll give you a chance. If I do like you, I’ll be your best friend. I’ll be willing to keep deep, dark secrets and talk about absolutely anything ya like. But once again, I have to like ya. Don’t get me wrong, though. I’m generally a friendly and civil person. I smile, say hi, converse, and all my friends love and trust me. Many people just dislike me for superficial reasons. It’s just that once that happens... it’s war.
Also, I’m always willing to speak my mind. I’m passionate and vocal about my thoughts. Part of why I’m unpopular, besides that I have unusual tastes, I suppose is that I’m nonconformist. I do whatever I like. Why bother being popular if you’re not the popular one - just your façade? And I’m not some obnoxious person who randomly yells obscenities and spits on the ground. I’m a woman of class. And I don’t throw my weight around like mad. In the end, if I were to want popularity, just as with anything else (I’m good at getting what I want if I set my mind to it, and the reason I don’t want school popularity is that if the kinds of people I go to school with like you, it’s probably not a good sign), I would get it my own way. And it doesn’t hurt that many of the popular girls are in my dance class, which I rock... And. Again. I'm not an outright whore for attention.
Weaker points: As I’ve already said, I’m a drama queen, and as I’ve said before, it’s both a gift and a curse. I may be cool and under my own control when I’m confident, but it doesn’t take much to set me off, and when I’m worked up about anything, you’ll know it. I’m an obvious trapped rat when I’m panicking as well. I’d be one of those animals that puffs up its fur instead of playing dead. Bluffing instead of running for cover. If I’m pushed to desperation, it’s obvious. I’m not afraid of talking back to anyone, partly because I’m used to authority being on my side. If I’m upset about something, I’ll give a piece of my mind. I can be overly sensitive and a little paranoid. Yeah. I already gave a negative aspect of “I speak my mind,” and others are that I can be outright cynical and occasionally rude. Occasionally I can be outright creepy and my sense of humor might seem rather odd. I tend to like messing with people. If I’m in the mood for it, I’ll probably throw around smart remarks, try to be cute, start teasing, yeah. Ya get the picture. I can be a jerk. And with that split personality of mine, I can be outright unpredictable and shocking, catching people off guard even when I don’t mean to. I’ll be purring one second and hissing the next. It’s hard to get inside this head of mine. That’s right. Anything I don’t say with attitude, I’ll probably hide completely. People have accused me of being secretive, even reclusive. It’s only with certain things, but still. It’s mostly things I’m self-conscious about. If I’m angry I’ll explain why, but sometimes I get depressed out of the blue and won’t feel like talking about it to anyone.
I realize I probably seem like I think I deserve everything, which may be. Everything, everything, everything goes straight to my head, the good and the bad, and I like to be the center of attention. I hate feeling like I’m useless or unimportant. I also have the attention span of a month-old-kitten. Anything I don’t find thoroughly interesting I’ll probably forget all about and/or pay no attention to. There are plenty of projects I’ve started but pushed aside in favor of new ones, and during school assemblies and the like, I always space out. If I have enough room, I might even lounge. I’m impatient, too. In addition to being cool-headed, when I’m confident with myself, I’ll probably get extremely cocky, stall things, get distracted, say more than I need to, take too many risks, and forget about things that I probably shouldn’t. You can probably tell I go off-topic and ramble. I’m a showoff, too. I’m always throwing in extra hip-shakes and gestures in dance class, and I know just where to go with my lines without being over-the-top.
And you know how I said I’ll be your best friend if I like you? If there’s a mutual disliking, though, I’ll probably be the biggest bitch you ever knew. Some might call me hypercompetitive. If I want something, I won’t stop until I get it. I guess that could be a good trait, but also rivalries might be formed. I see no harm in an insult, counter-insult, sarcasm, acting out of spite, or kicking people I dislike when they’re down. I might even take cheap shots. If I can help it, I won’t eff around with someone unless I know it won’t get me immediately into any kind of trouble. I’m a little of a coward on that level. I... really hate pain and getting in trouble. And if it seems like I’m too bold sometimes, I realize that I’m not really afraid of anything except any type of losing. And if someone’s gotten the better of me, I may just declare revenge in my own weird way. I often know just how to respond in an argument, which is as bad as it is good, since it gets people ticked at me. I have enemies as well as friends. I usually feel like I have to watch my back. I also often brag, though it might not seem like outright bragging, something along the lines of “Did you hear? I got the part! It was the one everyone wanted! The teacher said I did real well at (blah)” or “I’m Blue. *big smile* I play Tybalt.” You know, just being happy.
And if I’m a bad mood, I probably won’t be friendly off the bat. Not at all. I might seem shy and aloof. It takes a very long time to earn my trust. Also, I’m often accused of being arrogant, which you probably could tell and which I can admit to. I’m also very vain, I admit, and a little picky. It takes a while to go anywhere because I feel like I need to be wearing clothes that look perfect together and I always find something about my hair that needs fixing.
Second thought, other reasons I’m unpopular that I realize? I’m quirky, unreadable, often seem to be PMS-ing (they’re not mood swings... are they?), and once they say one rude thing to me, I let my jerky side show.
Hobbies &/or Talents: Acting, singing (stupid sore throat...), dancing (top of the class, yo! Though it’s only the intermediate, not advanced, class), many types of art. I have a purple belt in Shaolin.
Favorite color: Shades of blue, shades of purple, monochrome, red.
Favorite animal: I love tropical birds and spiders, both for weird, complicated, somewhat personal reasons.
Favorite season: Autumn.
Mature or Immature: I tend both ways. Depends on my mood.
Leader or Follower: Follower. I like to be given a little authority, but I don’t like the pressure and, well, work that comes with being the alpha. And then you have to pay attention to everyone and everything, you have to worry about other people, you have to worry about mutiny... Let other people do it. I do like to at least feel important.
Outgoing or Shy: Outgoing. I’m shy about certain things. For the most part, though, I’m outgoing.
Confident or Modest: Con-fi-dent!
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: I s’pose I’m a realist. I’m not really optimistic or pessimistic.
Low, medium, or high energy level:
Goals in life: To achieve stardom and win the hearts and minds of millions doing what I love best - putting on a show onstage!
Mmkay. Unrealistic. I at least want a career doing my favorite thing - performing. But appreciation and attention wouldn’t hurt.
Favorite quote & why:
There’s the old favorite...
“You laugh at me because I’m different. I laugh at you because you’re ugly.”
And the new contender...
“My milkshake bringeth all the gentleman to the yard, and they’re like, it’s better than thine. Verily, it’s better than thine. I could teach you, but I must levy a fee.”
C’mon. How can you not like it?
Describe your personality in three words or more: Dramatic, witty, multi-faceted (not as in two-faced or anything... I mean there are multiple sides to my personality), unpredictable, expressive.
Favorite character & why: Yumichika, as you all already know. I love characters like him. Also, Luppi. At first I was undecided on him, but he grew on me. From another point of view, I could picture myself hanging with Gin, he seems fun once you get past the creepiness, and I wouldn’t mind babysitting Wonderweiss... That cute lil’ retard...
Least favorite character & why: From one viewpoint, Kon, who grew from being interesting to an obligatory shallow, annoying cutesy sidekick. From the other viewpoint, while Grimmjow is awesome to see as an anime viewer, if I ever met him, I think I’d back into a wall and hiss.
Anything else: Not that comes to mind, assuming everyone's nice and far into the storyline...
How did you find this community: Got bored one day and searched for Bleach stuffs.
Please link the links to the three members you voted on: