On second thought, let's not go to Soul Society

Dec 27, 2007 20:55

Name: J.
Age: 19

Likes: Apathetic. I can't pinpoint any and I don't dwell too long on my likes to begin with.
- Hypocrites
- People purposely standing in front of cars (Car vs human: you are not gonna survive if I hit you, idiot)
- Sheep of the human variety
- Backstabbers
- Being Used
- Feeling inferior
- My fear of betrayal and being backstabbed / paranoia
- *People who fuck with my friends and family
- Regretting the past
- People who can't move on / are failures
- Living in the past

Strong points: I am a good friend to talk to when you have problems, people have told me that sometimes I am "nice". I'm also a realist. I've been known for being cheerful with a hint of the perverse.
Weaker points: I am jealous, possessive, selfish, melodramatic, apathetic and fatalistic. I am not a good person to leave alone for too long - that's when the fear and paranoia of getting back stabbed and betrayed set in. I also feel the need to run away and disappear every once in a while.

Hobbies &/or Talents: Drawing, sleeping, reading, eating, internets, being "lucky".

Favorite color: Purple
Favorite animal: Fox
Favorite season: Winter

Mature or Immature: Immature. Being mature is too much of a chore and there's no point in me being mature unless I have to.
Leader or Follower: Follower. Too much of a hassle to lead.
Outgoing or Shy: Depends on the environment
Confident or Modest: A balance of the two. I'm not overconfident but I'm not completely modest either.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: Realist with a tinge of forced pessimism. I don't like to place my hopes too high.
Low, medium, or high energy level: Medium-High

Goals in life: Get somewhere

Favorite quote & why:

Omnia Mutantur, Nihil Interit. Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost. - The Wake, The Sandman

People, friendships, family, my views. They all change a lot, but I have to always remember where I came from since it's why I'm here.

Describe your personality in three words or more: Fun, twisted, cheerful

Favorite character & why: Ichigo. He's not the perfect main character that you see in most mangas and animes. He seems more "real" and has his weaknesses and flaws.
Least favorite character & why: Don Kanonji. Mr. Can't-Take-A-Hint-And-Needs-To-STFU.

Anything else: This is my restamping. The original one was here. Just seeing if I changed or not.
How did you find this community: -
Please link the links to the three members you voted on:

stamped, renji

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