Soul Society's stalker requests eine RESTAMP

Aug 12, 2008 14:24

Name/Nickname: Byaness
Age: 15

Likes: Books, shojo manga, Shonen Jump, cartoons, people, music, watching people play video games, cleaning, animals, children, old people, wasabi, tea, sushi, ice cream, nap time, musicals, bishonen, winter, autumn.
Dislikes: emo-ness, sexists, when people curse too much, shojo-ai, MySpace, bullies, Mexican food, bad friends.

Strong points: I'm good with children and animals. People can talk to me. I'm often overly-polite. I can keep secrets when I need to. I'm good at being "the mom" with friends. I'm very protective, and if I'm aware of a problem among those within my care, I can get rid of it. I'm all right in the smarts department.
Weaker points: Too untrusting. Doesn't know when to shut mouth and when to open it. Too brave at the wrong times. Never witty when I need to be. I may be intelligent, but I'm a complete idiot. Jealous, impatient, demanding, bullheaded.

Hobbies &/or Talents: Writing, reading, baking, babysitting, doodling, choir.

Favorite color: Brown~
Favorite animal: Walrus~
Favorite season: Autumn~

Mature or Immature: Mature.
Leader or Follower: ..gnn... leader...?
Outgoing or Shy: Outgoing.
Confident or Modest: You can't be both?? Modest, I suppose.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: Optimistic~
Low, medium, or high energy level: Medium, with occasional spurts of high energy. Like someone spilling water on an electrical outlet. Then I die.

Goals in life: To become a missionary in Taiwan when I'm old, after a few years of voice acting.

Favorite quote & why: "If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth the reading, or do things worth the writing." ~Benjamin Franklin. Because Ben-sama is amazing in the first place, but a quote like that? Sheer brilliance.

Describe your personality in three words or more: Zany* Bubbly* Moronic* ADD* Schizophrenic*

Favorite character & why: There are too many...! Probably Ukitake. Top three would be Ukitake, Hitsugaya, and Mayuri. I like Gin and Grimmjow an awful lot as well... gah! Don't ask me!
Least favorite character & why: Ul-queer-ia. He looks and acts like an emo, and just watching him onscreen gives me a headache. I don't much like Tatsuki either.

Anything else: Ukitake/Unohana for~EVER.
How did you find this community: I wanted it. Needed it. Craved it. And found it! 8D
Please link the links to the three members you voted on:


Hiya! Requesting a restamp because, aside from cooking odd things and enjoying them when no one else does, I don't really feel Orihime-esque.

hinamori, stamped

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