Mou Hitotsu no Chijou

Aug 29, 2008 18:14

- Personal Info -
Name: Carita
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Likes: Cats, animals, animanga, sleeping, daydreaming, music, playing flute, kendo (though no undirected practice for me, please), musicals, sweets, reading, video games, spring, singing and foreign languages and cultures.
Dislikes: Waking up early, small minded people, being bullied, dentists and needles.
Strong points:
- Open-minded
- Friendly
- Cautious
- Mainly kind hearted
- I don't let others comments influence me too much but often I continue pondering what they've said quite a while.
- When I really decide to do something I get it done. I guess I can be stubborn if I want to.
- I don't judge easily.
- I know when to be mature.

Weak points: - I'm a bit perfectionist and altought I try to appreciate constructive criticism I often hate to be corrected.
- Emotional when it's about her personal life.
- Reserved
- Insecure about herself
- I'm a bit quiet and if people don't know me well they can see me boring and oh-so-mature.
- Cranky in mornings :'D
- Lazy

- Positions -
Leader, follower or loner: It varies a lot... Sometimes I like to lead, sometimes to follow but I guess mostly I'm loner.
For leader: (if you chose this)
- How do you treat your subordinates/those you're in charge of?
- How do you deal with the loners/rebels/people who prefer working alone?
For follower:
- Do you respect or at least follow your leader?
- How do you get along with your other teammates?
- How do you look/interact with the loners/rebels?
For loner:
- Why do you choose to be that way? Well, I've never actually chosen to be a loner. I have few friends which I've got when I was younger but nowadays I'm quite timid to make contact with other people. I'm usually the one who watches what others do and then do it by herself after them.
- If you are cast as group leader, how will you act? I'd ask others opinions about our decisions except if I'd be absolutely sure what I was doing.
- If you are cast as a member, how will you act? I'd do what I was told to but I'd thing myself too. If my orders seemed compeletely idiotic I try to do something to it.

- Choose one -
Group or alone: It depeneds what I'm doing if I'm not good it I'd certainly prefer a group. Otherwise doing things alone is just fine.
Choose your team or random selection: I'd like to choose my own team then you know that you're most likely going to get along with them.
Teamwork or each to his own: Teamwork but everybody doesn't have to do things the exactly same way.

- School -
Have you gone to school? Yeah...
What year are you in? (if you still are in school) I'm on the first grade of high school which would be 10th grade with Finland's education system.
Do you meet deadlines? Yeah, though I may forgot to do my homework at times (not really often) I've never forgotten any really important things.
Do you get along with your classmates? Yes. I like them all though I don't talk with them very much.
Any bad habits? I'm pretty lazy so I do my homework usually quite late and I start to read to exams too late too.
How do you keep yourself motivated? I don't think I do anything special. I guess the thing that I don't like be really bad at anything keeps me trying with the hard subjects...

- Work - (skip if you haven't had a job)
Name at least one job you've had, and how long you've done it: Last summer I had my first summer job in home for the elderly. I assisted them there.
Describe it (if you liked it, if you hate it, if your boss is a jerk, etc): Well I liked my boss and co-workers and the job was okay too altouhgt at first I felt unease to go there 'cause I wasn't sure what to do there. When I learned the routines I got more relaxed there but sometimes I got bit bored.
Do you meet deadlines? I didn't have any deadlines but yeah I remembered to do things I was told to. :'D
Do you get along with your officemates? Altough I was often really quiet I liked them all. They were really nice and they understood that I didn't have any education for that job so they didn't make me do anything too hard.
Any bad habits? I fell asleep alot. When there was moments when I didn't have anything to do (they could last over two hours) I just couldn't help it but fell asleep. I still tried my best to keep myself awake.
How do you keep yourself motivated? At first I was actually really unmotivated to go to work. Who likes to work on holiday? But I had ordered something and I though it might have came when I'd get to home and so I got through the first two weeks. After that I had learned what I have to do and so I felt more ease to go there. (The thing I ordered actually never came... :'D)
If you've quit a job, why? My contract was made just for four weeks. It was a summer job after all.

- Misc -
Anything else? Um... No. :D
Name the three applications you've voted on:
Post the link to your character stamp: Hanatarou

theme, stamped, 4th

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