- Personal Info -
Name:Ywain Penbrydd
Age: 28
Gender: M
What Kind Of Clothes Do You Usually Wear? Things with lots of pockets and buttons, almost inevitably black, except for the purple scarf, which is pretty much perpetual. Heavy steel and silver jewelry, wide black belt with an ammo-bag, camera, and multitool/pocketknife, and, of course, 16 eyelet boots.
What Kind Of Things Do You Have In Your Bag/Always Carry With You?
Camera, multitool, at least one knife, medical supplies, my own medications, tea, a sundial (no, i'm not joking), phone, pencils, flashlight, art least one screwdriver, glasses, wallet, smokes, fire, change of socks & underwear, senbon, cinnamon altoids, fork and spoon, wrist and/or knee brace, at least one condom, face mask, gloves, mouthwash, badge, bus pass. (And, yes, I emptied my pockets to do this list.)
Post At Least 3 Pictures Of Yourself (at least one full body shot and one head shot)
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