Soul Society

Dec 03, 2008 06:29

Name/Nickname: Kate.
Age: 20

Likes: Reading, martial arts,quiet walks in the morning, being silly with friends
Dislikes: when people are too loud for no good reason,crying,being yelled at in public,closemindedness

Strong points: good listener,I (try) give good advice,compassionate, helpful,intelligent,strong minded. I'm definately a survivor.
Weaker points: quick-tempered, worry-wart,clingy,emotional

Hobbies &/or Talents: doodling,walks,martial arts, omming ( chanting but I like saying omming)

Favorite color: pink
Favorite animal: Artic fox
Favorite season: winter

Mature or Immature: mature with glimpes of immaturity
Leader or Follower: more protector when needed
Outgoing or Shy: outgoing around people I know kinda anxious around new people,kinda like a jittery bouncy...thing :/
Confident or Modest: modest
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist:hopeful realist
Low, medium, or high energy level: medium (high when fangirling)

Goals in life: just help and contribute to the world and live a good life.

Favorite quote & why:
' Do or do not, there is no try.' because if your just trying you already believe you might fail so you do not fully well try.
Describe your personality in three words or more: quirky.compassionate.perceptive.

Favorite character & why: Rangiku, she's so awesome and I just love her vibrant personality.
Least favorite character & why: Isshin's parenting skills scare and bewilder me.

Anything else: nope
How did you find this community: ninjafy
Please link the links to the three members you voted on:

stamped, matsumoto

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