IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMAS! Okay, maybe not, but I'm excited anyways because sign-ups for the Christmas/New Years exchange are now open!
Because it's Christmas and New Years rolled up into one sign-up/event (and because half the people here are DEAD), I'm making the deadline November 30th.
To join in on this exchange, please fill out both of these forms
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Comments 11
Manga-verse or Anime-verse: either
Fanfic/ fan art/ icons etc: I'm thinking fic, but hey, if you want to do me a piece of art, I'll be pleasantly surprised.
Genre: Not crack!fic. But this doesn't mean I neccessarily want dark!fic.
Pairings/characters: Ulquiorra. Pairing or not - don't mind - but no Tosen and no Nnorita. And no plushies, mod souls, or filler captains.
Request/ Prompts: I'd love to see how Ulquiorra copes with Christmas.
Do not have: eg. No mpreg, noncon, chan, deathfic, AU or AR.
Format for Offers
Author: me
Manga-verse or Anime-verse: either.
Fanfic / Fanart / icons etc: Fiiiic.
Genre you are comfortable with: All. Challenge me.
Pairings and Characters you are willing to write: I'd like to say all, but I'd have to exclude Tosen and Chad. I don't think I could do them properly.
Not willing to write: Same list as above.
Author: Anyone
Manga-verse or Anime-verse: Animanga
Fanfic/ fan art/ icons etc: Fic or Art
Genre: Happy cheerful christmasy Christmas style. If you want to throw in angst, fine, but make sure that it ends happily
Pairings/characters: Hmm... HitsuKarin, IshiHime, ByaRen, IchiRuki, RenRuki, GinRan, Jinta/Yuzu, Jinta/Ururu, ByaHara, Urahara (no UraYor, but I would love you forever if you wrote UraRika (my OC)), YoruSoi, um... anything really... oh, no Tousen, he seems like he'd be a spoilsport for Christmas and New Years
Request/ Prompts: Snowflakes on the nose and/or countdown kiss
Do not have: No slash, rape, incest and other deviating NC-17 material. Regular smut is fine
Others: Have fun!
Format for OffersAuthor: Me ( ... )
Format for Requests
Author: Anyone
Manga-verse or Anime-verse: Anime please
Fanfic/ fan art/ icons etc: Either
Genre: Any...fluff is always good
Pairings/characters: UkiShun...always...
Request/ Prompts:Santa Clause is coming to town
Do not have: No slash, rape, incest
Format for Offers
Author: Meeee
Manga-verse or Anime-verse: Anime please
Fanfic / Fanart / icons etc: Fiction
Genre you are comfortable with: Any
Pairings and Characters you are willing to write: After my recent foray into the dirty world of request pairings...any...
Not willing to write: Incest
Others: If you can bear to have me I'll do my best
Manga-verse or Anime-verse: Mangaverse, I suppose.
Fanfic/ fan art/ icons etc: Fic or icons!
Genre: Anything that'll make me squee with fangirlish joy or make me laugh my brains out.
Pairings/characters: IshiHime, IchiRuki, RenBya, anything at all involving Yachiru ♥
Request/ Prompts: ...Snow?
Do not have: Please don't write anything NC-17. I share this computer with people.
Format for Offers
Author: Me!
Manga-verse or Anime-verse: Manga.
Fanfic / Fanart / icons etc: Fanfic!
Genre you are comfortable with: Drabbles, general fluff, slight angst.
Pairings and Characters you are willing to write: IshidaxOrihime, IchigoxRukia, Yachiru and Kenpachi (not in a ship-y way)... anything involving Ururu because she's adorable... yeah, not many things, sorry
Not willing to write: Anything M/NC-17. AND NO MPREG!
Manga-verse or Anime-verse: I'm comfortable with either of them, though I would have to update myself if need be. XD
Fanfic/ fan art/ icons etc: Fic please!
Genre: Romance, drama, some humor maybe
Pairings/characters: I would especially love a GrimmHime fic, but any Orihime pair would be wonderful. 8D (IshiHime, ByakuHime, IchiHime, UlquiHime)
Request/ Prompts: It doesn't have to be during Christmas, but if you follow that theme it'll be appreciated. AU is fine too if you want. And please try to show the strength in Orihime's character if you can.
Do not have: Too much OOC-ness; Too much use of Japanese phrases (-chan, -san, -taishou is fine); character death.
Others: Although I requested generally het pairs, yaoi is fine with me. So go crazy and mention other couples if you'd like. Rating-wise, do your worst. 8D I'm open to a lot of things. Dark fics are okay, too; just not too much angst please.
Format for Offers
Author: starianprincess
Manga-verse or Anime-verse: same with request
Fanfic / Fanart / icons etc: Fic, for I ( ... )
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