This is actually the room I share with my sister. Anything that looks like it might belong to a murderer or knight is mine.
Name: Lindel.
If you could change the color of the walls in your room, what would it be? Hmmph. I like my loud walls, but I'd change the paint my sister put on there. And maybe splatter on some other colours.
Oooh, or paint the lot black or white, and THEN splatter a bunch of colours. Hot pink, green, blue, yellow...
I have a secret tie-dye fetish.
Where, in general, do you concentrate best? In my room, actually. It's in the basement, so it's really peaceful. And I can burn things down there.
Name three things that you do in your room on a daily basis: Read.....sleep...daydream.
Links to the three applications you've voted on: Pictures: (3-10 pictures of your room)
This is one of my sister's walls. See why I want to change it? So tame!
Now there's one of my walls. And my Beanie-Babies.
Crowded shelves.
My bed.
A closer look.