I got a summer internship with Division 3! X3

Aug 07, 2008 19:01

Name: Brittany
Height: 5'6''
Link to 3 apps you voted on:


Which element appeals to you most: (fire, water, air, earth) Fire~ It's warm and very, very dangerous~ I like the fact that it's both useful and dangerous~
Do you buy into division stereotypes, yes/no? Oh, yes~ I think they're fun!
Would you rather dress comfortably or dress to impress? Comfortably... Though it looks like I dress to impress.

If someone assumed you were from this Division, you'd make them shit bricks: (aka your least favorite) Probably 12 or 6. Mayuri is scary and I just don't like 6? 8D
If someone assumed you were from this Division, you wouldn't be surprised:
On a scale of 1-10 of importance, moving up your position is: 3~! It's important!

Pictures: (3-10 pictures!)

[That is some Temari cosplay in the back of mah truck~ Hadn't put my hair up yet :3]

[My current hair color]

stamped - division 12

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