I got a summer internship with Division 291038812387097824

Aug 10, 2008 13:24

Name: Leanna
Height: 5`3``
Link to 3 apps you voted on:

Which element appeals to you most: Is ice an option? If I have to choose one of the basics, It would be water then since ice is just a sub-division of it. Its more like how I act,cold uncaring, all that fun stuff. Fire appeals to me on occassion though...;
Do you buy into division stereotypes, yes/no? Uh...No?
Would you rather dress comfortably or dress to impress? Comfortably, I dont care who I impress.

If someone assumed you were from this Division, you'd make them shit bricks: Errr..The first division?
If someone assumed you were from this Division, you wouldn't be surprised: skdlsa No idea, thats what this thing is for. ]:
On a scale of 1-10 of importance, moving up your position is: 10.

stamped - division 12

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