(no subject)

Oct 30, 2003 21:44

I feel blah, I slept most of the afternoon, I also did my hair, I will have to do pics later. I got hello kitty stickers and a crocodillio in an egg and some postcardiness goodness from mahhrat from his recent trip to Melbourne

I AM: exhausted
I WANT: to hide from the world and make everything go away
I HAVE: a headache
I WISH: everything would just fix itself and organise itself
I HATE: headaches, packing, feeling sick and stress
I MISS: feeling good and stuff

I FEAR: People, people who aren't in my immediate day to day comfort zone
I HEAR: Depeche Mode, and people talking outside where I don't want to be
I SEARCH: for inner comfort
I WONDER: if everything will be ok
I REGRET: tons of things, but regrets will get me knowhere will they, just more stress
I LOVE: Scott, My friends and family, and my little other friends of the furry kind
I ACHE: everythwere but upstairs mostly
I ALWAYS: am a dork who should be locked in a cupboard for being a dork
I AM NOT: worthy of what I have
I DANCE: when I want to, at coven, in the street, in the kitchen, anywhere
I SING: badly, and Nyssa likes it when I serenade her from the toilet, I sing in the toilet a lot
I CRY: when noone is looking
I AM NOT ALWAYS: how I appear on the outside
I WRITE: in my journal, I used to write good prose, but now... I don't know why I don't any more
I WIN: the prize for suckiness, ok I won a cd in Goth Nation, but they sent me two diferent ones instead
I LOSE: My mind
I CONFUSE: myself
I NEED: a bullet in the head? Nah a hug, a smile, and to make everyone not worry about me
I SHOULD: Get some motivation, get a life, and grow up.
Would You Ever~
1. Eat a bug? Definately not if I could help it
2. Bungee jump? eep, no
3. Hang glide? nuh uh
4. Kill someone? Depends
6. Kiss someone of the same sex? >:) mwahahaha
7. Have sex with someone of the same sex? again >:) mawahahaha
8. Parachute from a plane? Only if the plane was about to crash
9. Walk on hot coals? For Scott
10. Go out with someone for their looks? Good looks are just an added bonus and neither here nor there, on the flipside if you look like an elephants bottom I would find it hard to look at you
11. For their reputation? That bit is a put off
12. Be a vegetarian? Never, I don't like those veggie things, Imma be a meatatarian
13. Wear plaid with stripes? Just watch me cause an emergency for the fashion police
14. IM a stranger: only if they seemed immensley intriguing
15. Sing karaoke? With the aid of enough alcohol
16. Get drunk off your ass? Possible, being that drunk I am not sure I would be able to feel my ass to know if it had fallen off or not
17. Shoplift? I did the other day at the supermarket, by accident, I forgot to take my stickers out of the trolly
18. Run a red light? me + car = never
19. Star in a porn video? Yes but noone in their right mind would pay money to watch that
20. Dye your hair blue? My hair is purple at the moment
21. Be on Survivor? I don't like bugs, bugs are icky
22. Wear makeup in public? errr, I don't go in public unless I have atleast eyeliner on
23. NOT wear makeup in public? NEVER
24. Cheat on a test? I could never work out how to do it without getting caught
25. Make someone cry? Last person I made cry that I know of was jemma and it was good, she deserved it.
26. Call your math teacher a motherfucker? Not to their face, great way to get detention, suspension or fail math
28. Date someone more than ten years older than you? err I am 23 (on tuesday atleast) and scott is 35... err that makes ....
29. Cuss out a priest? Only if they were bible bashers or those ones with faulty zippers in their pants
30. Take a job as a janitor? Depends, I am pretty broke
32. Stay up all through the night? Oh my :o thats naughty, I go to bed at 8pm every evening
33. Drink straight espresso? Too strong *shudder* I like tea
34. What is the first person you ever slept with's middle name? Something wanky like he was
35. What kind of underwear are you wearing and what color? I think they are blue and my old comfies because I feel blah
36. What is the song you want played at your funeral? Ding Dong the Witch is Dead, or atleast that is what everyone else will play
37.what would your last meal be before getting executed? A Korma Curry or maybe canelloni or 'fish pie' (tuna mournay)
38. Beatles or stones? The Beatles, stuff the man with the inflato lips
39. If you had to pick one person on earth who should die, who would it be? Too many to choose
40. What is the thing most important to you about the opposite sex? Personality, comittment, love, devotion and care, and especially making me smile
41. Do you secretly hate some of your friends but are too nice to reject them? No, they aren't my friends if that is the case, I suffer people I dislike for the sake of keeping the peace, but do not directly associate with these people where possible
42. If you could have any super power what would it be? Not sure, anyone going to give me any I might choose then
43. Favorite hangover cure? Greasy food and or Powerade, the blue powerade is best
44. How many drinks does it take to get you drunk? Not many usually, also depends on the potency
45. Hair color you most like someone your dating to have? As long as they aren't bald I don't mind, bald is ok later though, Scott has black hair, his hair is like mine, it comes out of a bottle
46. If you had to be blind or deaf? How about Mute
47. Do you have any psychiatric problems? LOL
48. Least favorite month? June/July - mid winter
49. Favorite hateful thing to do to someone? Tell them a few home truths and make them realise they suck
50. First movie you can remember seeing as a kid? Lady and the Tramp
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