♥ Pics (4)
* A Happy and Sad face of yourself (+15) [if u don't have explain why.. and post a happy and a sad face from whoever(+5)]
Waiting to go to see The Used in concert.Heh.
The shirt I bought after going to the concert.Heh.
Bored out of my mind as you can see
Was totally taken on accident by a friend at a show,I was having an emotional break down about this boy I really like.He's such a jerk but I really like him still.Haha.
Representing all the ganstas in the house f00l.Haha.I've got nothing better to do than take pictures so yeah.Lol.
Show us your friends.. come on.. don't be selfish and show us your
hottest friend and another one from your bestfriend(s) (+10)
I couldn't just show one of them.Hell no.These are my good buddies as the following:
My bestest friend Kaitlin,we used to hate eachother since she dated a guy I had dated for 6 months in 8th grade,then she dated him in 9th & she thought I'd steal him since she thought I was so pretty.I used to think she looked like a boy but now were hella good friends,pretty much sisters.She's my skankface & I'm her slutface.I love her to death.
That's my one of my best friend's Rachel.She's a crazy partier.
These are some cool dudes in a band called Curbside Attraction.They're so funny.
Pretty much the coolest people you'll ever meet.
That's Sevenson a local band & I'm really good friends with the drummer & the blonde kid who's the guitarist.They're pretty hardcore.
♥ Learn to use the internet
* we need an Emo Imagen (+5)
♥ Yeah Baby this is music.
I can't play for crap though.Haha.I was kind of taking lessons from my brother when I first got it then I dropped it & now I never have time to play it,plus my brother took it to his girlfriend's house since it was his first in the beginning.Haha.
* A Fantastic Photo of your favorite instument (+10)
♥ OMFG I'll kill for he/she
That's Matt.He's the drummer of Sevenson & he's pretty damn cool & pretty much all I've wanted since I met him last year in a computer class.Now we never talk.I screwed up everything since I told him I liked him online before summer ended since my best friend that's a guy hates him & wanted me to move on.That so didn't work.Matt ended up saying'I don't know what to say' then didn't speak to me the rest of the night.My friends don't like him or his friends or band.I take pictures for his band so he's always wanting me to go to his shows & of course i'd go since duuuh I'm like completley in love with him.Last year,before I realized I liked him.He pretty much liked me.I just didn't realize it til I started to like him.We could of gone out & I'm still betting he likes me.He just won't suck it up & fucking give in about it.So pretty much I love this boy & I'd pretty much do anything to have him.Arrrgh.The agony kills me everytime I see him.He acts like I'm not there at times but I guess inside he's thinking omfg I'd kill for her.God I hope so.Haha.He tends to IM me about going to his shows & if he didn't care so much about gettng support from me then he wouldn't like me right?So he Ims me(I'm guessing but it's probably true) because he likes me.[ljasdlfjasdf]
* Post a pic of your Perfect boy/girl.. and tell us why (+10)