
Feb 23, 2004 18:43

I have a question. Why did the law win? I'm taking the law to court, that's rediculous. Anyway, my dad, who's a fruit cup, decided, either this morning or in the middle of the night, that he was going to Kentucky to visit his cousin, so he just leaves. And, get this, he left a note in my flute. I'm serious... he rolled it up and stuck it in my ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

devonian_90 February 13 2005, 03:14:09 UTC
I think I'm gonna explode. It's been over a year and you haven't updated your LJ.

I wear this, so they know I'm in authority.


bleed_silver February 19 2005, 00:37:41 UTC
Ha! Nancy!


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