Oh, really? Really, really.

Mar 18, 2005 17:59

About fifteen minutes ago I was in a terrible mood - ask Nick Poulos, seriously, I was attacking him about everything he said - but I had macaroni & cheese and some tuna fish and I'm okay now. I hate it when I'm PMSing and then my mom comes home all crabby which makes my crabby. Anyway, in an attempt to avoid being even more crabby, I'm making a ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

born_misery March 19 2005, 02:45:22 UTC
I'm totally adding you. w00t!


devonian_90 March 19 2005, 06:47:25 UTC
Nick and Suckface are camping out underneath the broken table.

Carina sat on it, and got sawdust all over her ass today.

I laughed...guys.


afckingaccident March 21 2005, 23:34:26 UTC
carin is goofy, she runs into walls, and slams her elbows on things. hard.


afckingaccident April 7 2005, 14:31:48 UTC
sorry, carinA, with an A and stuff. i can't type. it's horrible.


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