Maybe you're gonna be the one that saves me.

Apr 11, 2005 18:41

Yesterday was so rockin'. I went and hung out with my mom in Royal Oak - I got one of Comet's awesome burgers and gelato (raspberry and cheese cake flavored) for dessert even though I wanted to go to Cold Stone. Cold Stone was packed, though. I did have to skip out on the Starbucks gathering with Erin, Sarah, and Devon because my mom wouldn't let ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

pink_alien007 April 12 2005, 00:34:35 UTC
GELATO'S OPEN AGAIN! oh yessss! they closed it for redecorating this winter. ***i had my first kiss in front of that store***
best. place. EVER.



look_at_it April 13 2005, 19:55:09 UTC
12. Food? Gnocci. Please refrain from asking what it is.

Gnocci's are totally awesome. High Five for Italians!

13. Movie? SLC Punk

hahaha. Good movie, I thought I was the only weirdo thats seen it


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