Fic: Supernatural: Jedi!Verse: Dean/Castiel: And He Haunts My Dreams [3/5]

Nov 11, 2012 13:01

Title: And He Haunts My Dreams (3/5)
Author: nicole9514
Rating: R
Genre: AU, Fusion w/Star Wars, slash, action, romance
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Warnings: moderately graphic descriptions of torture, abuse, death, gore, language
Spoilers: None
A/N: This fic takes place in my recently created Jedi!verse series of fics - where both Dean and Castiel are Jedi - with a forbidden attraction to each other.
Summary: Castiel and Dean try to locate Alastair before he acts on his violent nature.
Word Count: 2,360

New to the series; here's a Link to the Masterpost


Junkfort station lived up to its name. Parts, debris, old bags, clothing - if it existed you could probably find it here.

It had been awhile since he’d frequented this locale. It was just as overwhelming as it had been then.

Although he felt different, older.

Cas had seen much since he’d first set foot in this station years ago.

Dean was actually grinning; it figured he would appreciate this place more than Cas.

All types of species visited here to purchase supplies and trade. And Cas knew a lot of the transactions weren’t of the legal variety.

At the moment, he wasn’t concerned about that.

He had bigger issues to attend to than smugglers, and thieves.

He headed for one of the local Cantina’s and scanned the room for his contact.

Bela didn’t live here; she didn’t live anywhere. She moved constantly, always staying one step ahead of those she had cheated.

Cas knew he shouldn’t like her - in fact she was exactly the type of person who the council would never do business with.

But Cas had seen something underneath the selfish, manipulative, act she was so perfect at.

Perhaps it was because he too was good at playing a role; good at hiding the parts of himself he didn’t want others to see.

And she had seen something in him as well - a begrudging kinship had resulted, and he’d turned to her several times during his hunt for Alastair.

He’d never thought he’d see her again, but there she was, sitting at their usual table, a smirk on her face as she noticed him, and her green eyes glinted.

Bela was slender, but toned. Her dark brown hair was longer than the last time he’d seen her. Her outfit was as usual, daring, while still being professional.

“There she is,” Cas murmured to Dean.

Dean followed his gaze, his eyes narrowing. “Let’s get this over with.”

Bela stood as they approached, and offered her hand.

Cas took it.

“It’s been too long, Castiel.” She smiled; it seemed more genuine than he remembered. “I’m glad that son-of-bitch didn’t break you.” She patted his hand. “It would have been a shame to lose such an attractive source,” her expression was both teasing, and sincere.

Cas blinked, surprised at her words.

She’d always flirted with him, but she’d never openly admitted to caring about anyone’s welfare but her own before.

Cas swallowed, and gave her a small smile. “It‘s good to see you as well, Bela.”

She nodded, giving him one last look over, before her face morphed into the Bela he’d always known. A nice concoction of spunk, cocky, devil-may-care, and enough danger to make you think twice about messing with her.

She fixed her sights on Dean. “And where have you been hiding him?”

Dean gave her a dark smile.

Cas shook his head. “He’s helping me find Alastair.”

Bela nodded, her green eyes fierce. “Well then, I hope he’s more than just eye candy.”

Cas could feel Dean bristle. “Don’t worry sweetheart.” Dean stepped into her personal space. Bela didn’t move; she held her ground. “If anyone fucks with Cas, they’ll have me to answer to.”

Cas could hear the threat in Dean’s words, and he knew his fellow Jedi didn’t trust her. Cas didn’t blame him - Bela had a reputation, and he had seen Dean researching her before they docked.

Dean hadn’t said anything, but he’d seen his eyes darken, and his body tense as he’d read all about Bela’s dealings.

She stole, and sold rare merchandise, weapons, and information to the highest bidder. And if someone outbid you, well, all bets were off.

Cas had never had the credits to pay her; they’d always traded intelligence.

“Dean,” Cas said gently.

“It’s alright.” Bela smirked, “”I’m glad you’re friend has some bite to him.”

Then she sat down, and gestured for them both to take a seat.

She got straight to business. “I think I know where the little sith-spawn is headed.”

Cas inhaled, surprise coursing through him.

“And just how did you come about this information,” Dean leaned forward. “when even the Jedi Council hasn’t been able to locate him.”

Bela laughed; it was mirthless. “Please, those idiots couldn’t find their own asses in a dark room.”

Cas sighed.

“And,” she pressed her palms into the table. “They don’t have friends in low places like I do.”


Dean didn’t like this - they’d booked passage on a ship that was leaving in a few hours. Bela had given them the coordinates to Alastair’s supposed whereabouts and Dean felt as if he were going to crawl out of his skin.

She had given it to them for free.

This didn’t make any sense.

People like her didn’t change overnight; they didn’t do things out of the goodness of their heart.

Scum was scum.

He’d read her file; this woman was rotten.

If she was giving this to Cas free of charge, then she was getting something out of it.

They might be heading straight into a trap.

Cas wasn’t stupid, but he was desperate to find Alastair. So desperate he might be willing to trust those he shouldn’t.

While Cas slept, trying to catch an hour or so before they had to leave, Dean slipped from their room, and headed to Bela’s. He’d found out where she was staying by persuading the bartender at the Cantina. He hadn’t felt good about it, but it had been necessary. And no harm had been done.

He rang the bell, and waited.

It opened in moments, and Bela rolled her eyes. “What’s the matter handsome; couldn’t stay away?”

Dean was on her in seconds, slamming her against the wall, his saber flush with her throat.

“Listen bitch, I don’t know what game you’re playing, but I want the truth now!”

Dean felt a pressure on his abdomen. He lowered his gaze, and saw a blaster pointed at his gut.


Damn she was fast.

Bela was actually freaking smiling. “Kinky,” she purred.

He ignored her comment. “People like you don’t do things for free - you always want something in return. What are we gonna find waiting for us?”

She exhaled, her expression changing from seductive predator into something more…real.

“It’s not a trap. The information is good.”

“I don’t believe you,” he snarled, not caring about the metal pressed into his stomach.

“I want to help Castiel find that piece of bantha fodder.” She closed her eyes a moment, took a breath, and quietly said. “I know what it’s like to be at someone’s mercy.”

Dean froze, and he saw a flicker of the pain he’d seen in Cas’s eyes as he’d spoken of his abuse, and he felt himself holstering his weapon, and stepping back.

Bela lowered hers as well, all traces of any vulnerability gone. She smirked. “Are we done here?”

Dean nodded. “Yeah, I think we are.”

Bela’s lips twitched. “You know, I would offer to have angry sex with you, but I can see that you're otherwise engaged.” She patted his cheek. “Take care of him,” her eyes hardened, “or you might get to see my unpleasant side.”

Dean blinked, and hated the fact that he was starting to like this bitch.


“And no one’s coming for you,” Alastair was inches from his face, his foul breath coming out in pants, making Cas want to gag.

He held it back; he would not show this man weakness, or fear. He would not give him the pleasure.

A fist like iron connected with his cheek, sending pain shooting down his jaw.

Cas felt blood pool in his mouth from a cut on the inside of his cheek.

He spit it out right onto that sinister face, and paid the price moments later.

Alastair grabbed a fistful of his hair, and pulled him forward. Suddenly he was on the ground, his throbbing cheek slamming against the metal floor. His hands and feet were bound, Alastair twisted his arm and he felt something snap.

He barely managed to choke down the strangled cry of pain that threatened.

A cool, sharp object pressed into his lower back, digging in just enough to break the skin, while a knee dug into his upper back, making it hard to breathe.

“So strong, so defiant.” Alastair bent down, and licked blood from Cas’s face. “Don’t worry Jedi. No matter how long it takes - one day you will break.”

Cas felt a scream building in his throat, and he bolted up, gasping, shaking, sweat making his clothing stick to him. His eyes darted around, as he fought to calm his racing heart.

It had only been a nightmare.

He wasn’t back there.

“Cas?” Dean was at his side, touching him.

Cas flinched, reflexively recoiling from the gesture.

Dean’s skin blanched, and in the dim light, he could see hurt and worry passing over his strained features.

Cas hated himself at that moment.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered, his voice quavering as he tried to calm his breathing, and forget how Alastair’s cold hands had felt on his skin. How touch had meant only pain for so long.

“It’s okay, babe,” Dean soothed with his voice, he didn’t try to touch him again. Cas felt tears sting his eyes, at Dean’s term of affection for him.

Cas sucked in ten more breaths, counting in for five, then out five.

The vivid memory began to fade, and Cas reached his hand out, hoping Dean would reach back.

He did, and Dean’s strong arms enveloped him, and Cas felt safe. Cas basked in it, not allowing any tears to fall. He inhaled Dean’s scent, and nuzzled his skin, banishing any remaining traces of that nightmare.

“Still think I’m not damaged,” he whispered, fighting to keep his voice steady.

Dean put a finger under his chin, and lifted his head, forcing Cas to meet his green eyes.

“I think considering everything that’s going on, you are doing freaking amazing.”

Cas shook his head. “I don’t know about that.”

“I do.” Dean kissed him tenderly, making Cas feel warm and loved all the way down to his toes.

Dean laid back, and Cas burrowed against him, his head resting on Dean’s chest.

He blinked, when he realized Dean had gotten fully dressed again.

“Dean, did you go somewhere?”

Dean cleared his throat. “I uhh, went to have a chat with Bela.”

Cas raised his head, and he pursed his lips. “Might I ask why?”

“I had to make sure this was legit,” Dean admitted.

“And?” Cas prodded.

“I believe her.”

Cas swallowed. “Dean, you didn’t…”

Dean stroked his cheek. “I didn’t hurt her. I swear.” He seemed uncomfortable. “She just said some stuff, that convinced me is all.”

Cas watched him a moment, then nodded, accepting Dean’s answer.

“We still have an hour before we have to leave.” Dean carded his hand through Cas’s hair.

Cas gave him a weak smile, and laid his head back on Dean’s chest. He listened to his heart beat, allowing it to calm him, and lull him back to a hopefully dreamless sleep.

Soon they’d be headed for Tatooine - Cas only prayed they made it before anyone was hurt.



Bela’s underworld contacts had discovered Alastair had left supplies, mainly weapons in storage under a false name on Tatooine.

Dean stayed close to Cas, moving down the street of the hot planet. He hated sand, and here he was, on another desert world.

Why did the bad guys always have to pick such shit holes to hatch their diabolical plans?

It would be nice if they could use a nice beach world for once.

Dean put his game face on as they walked; he kept sneaking glances at Cas.

The other man’s haunted look as he’d found him after his nightmare wouldn’t leave him. He hated the son-of-a bitch that had left him with memories that could leave him in such a state.

Dean knew there was no way Alastair walked away from this.

Some people were not meant to walk this world, and he was one of them.


They rented a land speeder, and headed towards the coordinates. The building was in the middle of nowhere. Perfect for people who didn’t want prying eyes.

Sand surrounded them, oceans of it.

He noticed a few Jawa’s here and there, but they ignored them.

The second they got within visual range of the facility Dean knew something was wrong.

The place reeked of fear.

Dean pulled over, a safe distance from the simple, one-story gray building, and they made their way quietly to the door.

It slid open and Dean almost lost his lunch.

Bodies were everywhere.

Blood was everywhere.

Smeared on the walls, the floor, across the desks that lined the walls.

The smell was overpowering; a lovely mixture of death and metal. He almost gagged.

Alastair had already been here, and he hadn’t left any loose ends.

Cas was walking into the room, Dean almost told him to stop, but he could see Cas moving with purpose.

He’d seen something.

He could hear the squishing of blood under Cas’s boots, and he had to turn away for a moment.

“Dean,” Cas’s voice was level, controlled.

Dean understood, hell, he wished he had a mask like that to hide his revulsion.

Dean managed to ignore the death surrounding them, and meet Cas’s eyes.

He looked where Cas was pointing.

A burn in the wall, and one of the bodies was cut neatly in half.


Alastair had himself a lightsaber.

“I’m guessing that’s new?”

Cas’s eyes were swimming with emotions. Dean knew a tidal wave of pain, fear, anger was raging inside of Cas - but he was holding it at bay.

“Yes.” Cas touched the marred wall. “It makes sense. He’s a force user - perhaps he’s had more training than we ever realized.”


Cas was staring at the carnage. “We were too late,” he whispered.

Dean gripped his shoulder. “We’ll get him.”

“I know.” Cas squeezed his hand. “I just hope it’s in time to stop this from happening again.”

So do I.

part 4

Feel free to friend this journal for the insanity :P

Comments are always loved; how else will I know if anyone is still enjoying this series :)

fic, genre: fusion, fic: supernatural, pairing: dean/castiel, genre: jedi!verse, genre: crossover, genre: slash

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