(no subject)

Feb 15, 2005 23:57

Current music: braid

1. first punk hc show attended?
Uh...god...maybe Bad Religion.

2. Last show attended?
Trsppe..can't remember shit bands.

3. Favorite punk/HC band ever?
Kid Dynamite, Agnostic Front, Suicidal Tendencies.

4. are you straight edge?

5. Favourite era of punk/HC?
The rejuvination of old school punk influenced hardcore, and the origional punk influenced hardcore.

6. Favorite scene (time and location)?
Ha, New York, late 80's.

7. Worst scene?
West Chester ska scene.

8. Most memorable shows?
upcoming Bane show.

9. Biggest live disappointment?
Having to sit through Copeland and Celebrity to see hopesfall.

10. Best live punk/HC band?
Converge, and I guarentee Adam is right about Bane.

11. Ever been in a band?
just joined one. Shows soon!

12. Best venue?
Unitarian church.

13. Worst venue?

14. Who do you most regret not seeing (that you actually could have)?
Last Elliot show.

15. Do you own a record player?

16. Do you own any colour vinyl?
Nah brah, I need to get down to philly with raffi.

17. Been to a "fest"? Which one(s)?
Yeah sure...

18. circle pit? mosh? kick box?
every so often.

19. Belong to any crews?
Death Chester waht?!

20. Favourite punk/HC 'zines?
Euphonic! Pastepunk...i think raffi introduced me to them.

21. Old enough to remember the Krishna fad?
Hah yeah, I believe Shelter..?

22. Young enough to be part of the Christian trend?
I shit on it.

a) Were you upset when Green Day signed to a major label?
Didn't matter.

b) Jawbreaker?

c) AFI?
Who gives a shit.

24. Best labels?
Bridge 9, Facedown, Revalation, Victory ten years ago.

25. Worst labels?
Trustkill, Victory present, Bad Boy.

26. Best LP cover?
I am into Nine Orders of Angels doing Hurricane right now. Also, Punishment doing Reign in Blood.

27. Older vs. Newer?

b) Throwdown?
either is fine.

c) Elliott?
Rock my pants off.

d) Refused?
You can't not like them.

e) Sick Of It All?
This is a must.

f) Converge?
Anything before "Unloved and Weeded Out"

28. How did you get into punk/HC?
Being a loser in elementary school and wanting to get into something different.
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