Money is too stressful D: I had to ask my parents to pay for my car insurance, which was horrible. Admittedly I'm still paying for it, I'm just paying them back monthly instead of paying the insurance company because it works out way cheaper, but this is the first time since I moved out that I've had to ask for any significant money and I hate it. They've given me the odd twenty quid but I've never asked for anything - it's always been offered. I shouldn't be bothered about having to borrow money because I've supported myself for the last nineteen months on student loans and then a 12-hour-a-week job without ever asking for anything, and they've been supporting my layabout brother since he left university four years ago. Seriously, the man turns 25 in two weeks and has never had a job - he doesn't even pay rent to them, and they only stopped buying his beer for him a few months ago. So I really shouldn't feel so horrible about asking for a loan, but I HATE not being independent.
Doesn't help that borrowing this money won't even make anything easier; it'll just make paying the insurance possible.
WAH WAH WAH etc. I hate whining so much, it's just so horrible not being able to have anything and not being able to get any extra hours at work. Still: I just need to make it through to September. Assuming that I get the ok to start my teaching course (oh dear lord please let me) then money problems should become more a case of "shoot, that bill's a bit higher than I thought it would be. Oh well, nevermind, *pays*" and less "oh shit I don't even know where that money is coming from."
Fingers crossed I ought to hear from the council next week, FINALLY. If they agree to give me some housing benefit then everything's fine; I know all the bills can get paid and when I DO manage to get extra hours at work they can just take the extra that I'm earning off that week's benefit. Simple. (Please let it be simple.)