LOST and Make Poverty History Icons

Jul 04, 2005 15:58

Hello! I finished my third batch of Lost icons and Make History Poverty icons and they're below.

Lost Icons )

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Comments 16

shuyinda January 3 2006, 00:30:35 UTC
I really love the make poverty history icons, and I'm taking the geldof one and Rickman (was about to say snape xP)

and one interesting thing.. there is atleast 4 persons on those icons who was in Love actually *finds this very amusing*

Go love actually cast!! xDDDD


blifme January 3 2006, 01:23:59 UTC
Why, thank you :). Now that you mentioned about Love Actually cast, I just realised that! LOL... I haven't update my LJ since ages ago LOL, too lazy to. Happy New Year to you :).


shuyinda January 3 2006, 01:27:45 UTC
LoL! I sometimes forget I have an lj xP

Happy New Year!!! ^O^


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