Title: Pretty Boy
Author: Jesse
blind_by_fearPairing: David D/Pierre B
Fandom: Simple Plan
Disclaimer: 'do not sue' speech here:______
Summary: We could be happy together... if you weren't straight.
Rating: G
“Imagine me and you, I do
I think about you day and night,
It’s only right,
To think about the girl you love,
And hold her tight,
So happy together.”
You’re not exactly a girl, but you do wear make up. You could look like a girl if you dressed like one, and stuff your bra full with socks. That would be a funny sight. But I like you better as “my” pretty boy. I love you. We could be happy together… if you weren’t straight.
“I can’t see me lovin’ nobody but you,
For all my life
When you’re with me, baby, the skies’ll be blue,
For all my life.”
I could never even begin to think about loving anybody but you. When you’re around, you instantly make my day better. I love you.
“If I could call you up,
Invest a dime,
And you say you belong to me,
And ease my mind,
Imagine how the world would be,
So very fine,
So happy together.”
I would use all my money for you, just to hear your voice. If only now, you would say that we could be together. Then I could live my life, so happy with you. I love you, my David, my beautiful, wonderful David Desrosiers.
-My life is in your hands forever, my pretty boy