(no subject)

Jul 28, 2004 18:05

In The Beginning.....
Who are you: Asad
Where are you from: The Mont
Birthday: Guess. Kudos to the ones in the know.
Are you tired of answering those same 3 questions in every quiz u take: Yes.
Why did you decide to take THIS quiz: Cause its long.

*How do you feel about.....
Homosexuals: They're hilarious, and I have nothing against them.
Heterosexuals: I am one.
Bisexuals: Don't care.
Christians: What the fuck?
Pagans: I dont know what those are
Harry Potter fans: Die.
anime: SAVAGE
Star Trek: Cool
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: dumb
Friends: Funny
Will & Grace: Kinda funny
Religion: Hipocritical.
Politics: Buck Fush
Gay Marriage: Do what you want
Straight Marriage: Do what you want
Marriage in General: Eh....too many people rush into it.
Monogamy: Is the way to go
Disney Movies: DIRTY
Diet Soda: Dumb.
Music Piracy (MP3 File Sharing): Fuck yes.

*Ooooh... Look at all the stars....
Is Christina Aguilera a slut?: Thats why I love her.
Is Britney Spears a slut?: Shes ugly.
Did Janet intentionally let her boob flop out?: No, justin did.
Did Michael molest those kids?: No
Did O.J. do it?: Does it really matter?
If you had to star in a same-sex love scene, who'd it be with?: Brad Pitt
opposite-sex love scene, who would it be?: This is hard. I'd have a three some with Eva Mendes and Angelina Jolie
Who's your favorite actor?: Brad Pitt
Who's your favorite actress?: I don't really know.
Favorite Musician or band?: Linkin Park/Iio
Favorite author?: I don't know yet.
Favorite stand-up comedian?: Martin Lawrence, Dana Carvey, Eddie Murphy
Favorite athlete?: Lance Armstrong
Favorite model?: Tyra Banks
Favorite Talk Show host?: Conan

*More about you.....
Are you single or are you taken?: Single and loving it.
What do you do in your spare time?: Race, or hang out.
What are your creative outlets?: Music
Do you have a webpage?: Lj and myspace
Do you read/write fanfic/slash?: Huh?
What is in your CD player right now?: Meteora
What is the last TV show you watched?: Wanna Come In?
What is the last thing u said out loud?: What????
last thing you ate?: Foooood.
last thing you drank?: Water
What are you wearing right now?: A towel actually.
Do you sleep in the nude?: Only after sex.
What do u lie awake thinking about at night?: Sex.
How many pillows do u have on your bed?: 2
How many things are there in you room that have to be plugged in?: 4
How long have u lived at your current place of residence?: 13 years
What (if any) jewelry do u always wear?: none
Do you have any tattoos?: Look close at my most recent picutre.
Do you have any piercings?: not yet.

*All about your friends.....
How many people do you actually consider TRUE friends: 6
How many people think u are their friend but secretly u can't stand them?: Most people.
How many of your Live Journal friends list do you actually know InRealLife: Other than that Damned Sammy, all of them.
How many people that have have "friend-ed" u do you really know?: What the fuck.
How often do you get comments from people and u have no idea who they are?: On friendster and myspace, but they're always creepy.
Who is your BEST friend?: Cody, Marc, B, Andrew, Kyle
Who is your loudest friend?: Andrew
Who is your craziest friend?: Andrew
Who do you call when u really need someone to talk to?: Cody or Marc
Who do you call when u really want to have fun?: Anyone
Who do you avoid answering the phone when they call?: All of those fuckers.
Who do you have the most in common with?: All of them.
Who do you have the least in common with?: All of them.
Who do you wonder how you became friends in the first place?: Cody.
How many people from high school do u still talk to?: All of them.
How many people from middle school do you still talk to?: Cody.
From earlier childhood?: 1.

*Social Life......
Where do you like to hang out the most?: Race Track.
Are you usually the designated driver?: Do I look like one?
Do you drink?: Bitch, I bring the liquor.
Do you smoke?: Yes.
Do you do drugs?: Yes. I'm gonna try coke soon.
Do you dance at clubs?: Yes
Do you talk during movies?: No
What is your favorite restaurant?: Harold's in the City.

Pop Princess: None.
Boy Band: None
Rocker Chick: Gwen Stefani, shes hot.
Rapper?: Tupac.
Color?: Black
Food?: Anything
Drink?: Whatever

*Fill in the blanks.....
Beavis and______: Butthead
Run_____: bitch!
Do you have a______: problem
My name is______: what? My name is who?
I am______: on a different level.
My favorite band is______: people you've never heard of.
Can I ______ You: Fuck
______ a tree: fuck
______ Lullibies: sing
I play the______: game
Pass the______: Dutch
Kill me______: , and you'll get killed, 3 times over.
Do______: it.
I have to______: get out of here.
I feel______: graet
I______you: like you
Jump for______: the sake of jumping
______ me: Fuck
Love is______: bling
To be scared is______: Natural
I have a______: tonka toy
Tick______: Tick Boom!
Ass and ______: Boobs
My job is to______: work.
Kiss______: Me
Blue_____: isn't here.
Don't let the door______: Hit your ass on the way out bitch, cause I don't want ass prints on my new door.
Mother and______: Father
Siblings______: are siblings
Hump______: a razor.
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