I need to be a gardener…I’m in the wrong business…desperate housewives are sluts man! When one of them sees how well you handle their roses, they know you can make their tulips blossom…it’s crazy!!!
This is simon, why am i not on your friends list? HUH! How can i post to tell you to put me on your friggen live journal when im not even on your friggen friends list? Oh yeah, and stfu! you keep saying "Oh none of you care" "Oh i have no life" WELL IF YOU WOULD LISTEN TO ME YOU WOULD KNOW YOU HAVE A FRIEND HERE BUT NO!!!!
....i miss you... :'(.....*sniff* i got the flcl manga..its pretty cool...the second one was more confusing then the first but i got it...my first mangas that i own..because of a show that took me three years to understand...sigh...
I haven't talked to you in a while this is megan by the way if you don't rememeber me. well anyway just thought i would say hi and e mail me sometime. My screen name is CountryGirl72002@aol.com
Comments 3
....i miss you... :'(.....*sniff* i got the flcl manga..its pretty cool...the second one was more confusing then the first but i got it...my first mangas that i own..because of a show that took me three years to understand...sigh...
Oh, and add my NEW lj to your damn friends list. Passionfurylove
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