q bien me lo pase anoche y que dolores de pies y cabeza tengo ahora! Yo solo veo el futbol en estas ocasiones (no tengo ni idea de xq pasa un penalti xD) xo ayer estaba que pareci luis aragones en persona xDddd
XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD yo no soy nada futbolera, pero es imposible escapar la euforia estos dias!! La final va a ser LEGEN....wait for it and I hope you are not lactose intolerant because the end of that word is...DARY!!!!
Haha I love how the suck that haters is the glittery part.
Seriously, people who thought Russia was going to win were obvs on something.
And as much as I want Germany to win...well because I am German...I think they will get their ass kicked by Spain if they don't play how they played against Portugal.
Well well, you guys are gonna win! I mean, Im sure our team will play their best but you cant fight the experience xD
I was just stating that dreams can happen, and it doesnt mean that if someone is entitled the world champion cant fail when a younger and eager team plays against you. Russia, Turkey and Spain are demostrating that it is possible to break some rules, PLAY FAIR and win!
The final is gonna kick some serious ass with you an us, two of the most respectable teams in the world at the mo.
increible pero cierto, españa esta en la final!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! como ganemos el domingo no me lo voy a creer jajajaja y seremos la generacion que lo vivimos *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*
Comments 15
A POR LA FINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yo no soy nada futbolera, pero es imposible escapar la euforia estos dias!! La final va a ser LEGEN....wait for it and I hope you are not lactose intolerant because the end of that word is...DARY!!!!
(also, te envie un mail con lo de los hostels!)
Seriously, people who thought Russia was going to win were obvs on something.
And as much as I want Germany to win...well because I am German...I think they will get their ass kicked by Spain if they don't play how they played against Portugal.
I was just stating that dreams can happen, and it doesnt mean that if someone is entitled the world champion cant fail when a younger and eager team plays against you. Russia, Turkey and Spain are demostrating that it is possible to break some rules, PLAY FAIR and win!
The final is gonna kick some serious ass with you an us, two of the most respectable teams in the world at the mo.
And I can't wait for the finale, no matter who wins, I'll be okay because I'm sure the finale is going to be amazing to watch.
jajajjajaja tened compasión de miiiii jajajja que como gane la final me veo llamanso a la embajada para q me saquen de aquí jajaja
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