This is a Freddie-friendly environment. Haters should skip this, and keep on killing puppies.
First, I want to say that I love Skins as a whole, I didn't have any expectations when Season 1 started and certainly, I still haven't got any. I think it's brilliant! And that's pretty much all. However I have a few reasons why, that I'm going to share with you, because lately fandom has been really annoying. (No suprises there, though) <- And that's sarcasm.
Why Skins is a work of art and fandom should quit the bitching: A guideline to chill the fuck out.
1. The storylines are exaggerated as fuck: even though quite realistic age-wise, they get everything to its natural limits til it becomes an absurd. Metaphysical-TV, basically.
2. Emphasis on subjective feelings: This show's base is Freudian. We get lots of drugs and eerie scenes with dreams and hallucinations. And my absolute favourite: fetishisms, manias, pathologies and repressions.
3. Teenager as a totem: THE GANG, is really important and it acts as a item (like society, per se) but every character has a strong personality and we get to see every individual experience.
4. Human relations: there's lots of isolated moments in the show, but mainly because their purpose is to show us how we all struggle from that state of inner-reflection, to another, where we have to expose ourselves and be part of a group, a friendship or a intimate relationship. We have a bunch of fuckep-up kids that have to break their own limits and reach for something "better", because that's how it is.
5. Music and Lyrical features: Music has its own importance. Sometimes, in a scene, songs and lyrics are the only information we have to help us do the math. Plus, the scenarios and certain images are completely METAPHORICAL, yo.
(If you are not conviced yet, you should remain watching Gossip Girl, or any other teen show that is easier to enjoy) Fin.
3.08 a tale on honesty and isolation
I was really looking forward to this episode because, Effy's episodes are (everything that I said before) but times a million. Which only increases the fun! My favourite part overall, was the scene when they're tripping at the fire. It was something wild and tribal = SEXY TIMES. Another highlights: the structure of the episode (it started as how it ended), it was like a mirror! Cook's arrival was the highest point, and when things start to unravel as opposed to the first part. The Honesty, please sign, Effy walking over the flowers and then throwing the shoes, Anthea bathing Effy... etc. Methaphorical images = Shakespearian tragedy.
I could probably write a critical essay on the episode but anyone would get me out of university with honours so, whatevers! Just another crazy-fan comment: JOY DIVISION! JOY DIVISION was played in this episode !!! She's Lost Control is Effy's theme from now on. I seriously could not believe my ears, this show needs more Post-Punk, at least when Effy's on, because she totally is.
Let me clarify something first: I'm not a Cook-hater, but Im not a fan of his persona either. I love the character as a character, but IRL I would hate this guy to bits. The same goes with Katie, only that I hate her as a character, and as a woman, too. Now, I will support my Freddie love. While reading some reviews everyone kept saying how fragile Effy is and how of a bastard Freds was to her. First off, Freddie has NO IDEA how Effy really thinks or does, he didn't even know that she had feelings for him until Cook showed up. In the other hand, he knows that she has slept with his mate, several times before and after he told her what he felt. I don't know you guys but I would be a little bit upset, to say the least. We have this romantic idea of Effy, which for Freddie is merely chemistry and lust, maybe love? IDK, and loads of betrayal. That (hilarious) look of disgust that Freds gave Effy, was very well placed IMO. Sometimes people tend to forget that the rest of the characters are not watching the show as we do.
Another statement that I also disagree with is, that Cookie was the most noble of them all because he actually said the truth and he was left alone with his fucking gateau and ringing bells with his nose. Cook has actually been lying all this time too, and he has cooperated with every bad situation in order to create more chaos, partly because he's too crazy to care but mainly because he needs to be needed. And actually, I think he's totally in love with Freddie. When JJ yelled to him it didn't strike me as something surprising since Cook mistreated him in his episode and JJ gave him crazy pills lol. Relationship-wise IMHO: Cook loves Freedy but he's a bomb with Naomi <3 As for Effy, I really liked the ending but not in a Bonnie/Clyde sort of thing, but as a vicious situation where Cook owns Effy and therefore Freddie. They looked pretty tragic and isolated but not in a romantic way, for me it was a declaration on lonelinness and it felt very empty and beautiful.
THOMAS! COOK! FREDS! I guess what most people didn't get is the mirror thingy that I already commented at the beginnig. (Freddie and Effy) and Cook and (Panda and Thomas) see? :D I think that what makes Thomas the bravest one of them all, is because he stood up to both Cook and Panda with very few words and as stoically as it could be. I wish that in the finale they all grow a pair and make a speech just like Thomas'.
In other news, I may be excluded from lj !!! (I will leave this post open, in case you want to pimp it, let's see if we can get some rational discussion in here). But seriously, I love my show as much as I love my computer. Don't take this away from me, fandom! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO KILL PUPPIES, I'm nice *:)