Greetings, my beloved flisters! :D Miss Riicca's art/graphics journal has changed it's status from hiatus to semi-hiatus, meaning that I'm still waiting for my own Internet connection but mum got hers moved to her new place, so I can borrow it every now and then to update^^b
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Comments 43
Thanks<3 Enjoy the Numberness! :D
I love everything @__@ they're just simply beautiful
And thanks for commenting! Encouraging words keep this machine going *hugs*
*throws a chair at you*
Gyah. You messed up my day. T_T
But it's already a complete mess and I'm tired and my head is spinning and I have to do school projects BUT I DON'T WANNA T_T
Blabla random comment, sry for the emoing XD
Thank god I don't have school *shivers* Gap years rock my fangirl socks~<3
I have never made any graphics of P&P :( But I should, since it's so an amazing series with the hottest and most famous shirt ever a talented cast and crew and witty adaption.. ladidaa~
Gap year? Why do you have that? I'm in school this year and the two coming years too. ;_;
U FAILURE! D': Yes you should do it, thank you very very much. I love all the P&P-stories that's been filmed and so... Reason why I love "HanaDan" too LOL XD
But have you ever seen "Emma" with Kate Beckinsale? It's such a good movie. I love it. :f
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Oooh, the Pi picture just screamed to be NO-iconed xD He's such a dork<3
Glad to be back :)
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And ILPI! :D Actually, I'm currently working on some Pi-related wallpapers, let's see if I get them up later tonight^__^
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