Screencaps: jrock, misc

Mar 02, 2008 13:11

The first screencap entry of March, enjoy~

Notice: I didn't crop any of the caps, so the size includes the black borders.


|caps x556| |720x480| |full Cinq Parallele: download .rar file|

or --->|download pv caps separately: .Bel Air. .Au Revoir. .Gekka no Yasoukyaku. .Illuminati. .Le Ciel.|
.x111. .x115. x90. x123. .x114.

.mostly good for iconing; however, Illuminati was rather troublesome to cap, so I wouldn't bet my head on those.
.for the time being, Cinq Parallele will be my only Malice Mizer contribution to this journal, but I think 5 PVs will do more than well, ne? :)


|caps x138| |440x336| |download .rar file|

.good for iconing; no retouching
.*insert brainless fangirl spazzing here* My absolute favourite of MUCC pvs ♥ ♥ Simplistic, yet stylish, filled with that heartwrenching rage only MUCC can display... Miss Rii speechless~<3 I've been wanting to icon this vid for quite some time now, but I always seem to drift to work with other projects. Well, meanwhile, hopefully many of you will pamper us with 9gatsu goodies^_-


|caps x107| |720x480| |download .rar file|

.okay for iconing; no retouching
.It was quite a sudden urge to cap this pv... which is a bit weird since there isn't much going on in the pv, so capping Decide wasn't even a very pleasant job to do <-thus the low-ish number of caps.
.I'm not a great fan of Kirito but this song I enjoy wholeheartedly. I like the video's colorscheme as well, although it's rather rough and hence difficult to icon. (see, as a graphic maker I consider everything from that POV *lol*)


|caps x135| |640x480| |download .rar file|

.good for iconing; no retouching
.simply: LOVE♥


|caps x153| |656x480| |download .rar file|

.no re-touching
.Sometimes it's hard to say if some caps are iconable or not. The Rin caps are a bit blurry and sometimes slightly crappy because of all the nature effects Kagrra, used in the pv, but if you take a look at the preview, the pictures work nicely in small size (I don't photoshop pictures for previews unless the caps themselves have been retouched.)
.Rin!Nao ♥.♥ I can't believe how young he's here... and how terribly striking his camwhoring is<3 I love this visual era in Kagrra,'s history! Isshi's demonic stage persona continues amazing me, even today. And Shin's blonde hair, oh cuteness~~ *spazzing spazzing spazzing incoherent incoherent incoherent dork dork dork*


.comment if taking, credit if using :)
(.if you want to show your support or do the crediting with Teh Style, you can find a bunch of shiny buttons in the profile *chuu*)

.no re-posting; using these in some fansites/galleries is okay if you inform me first

.let me know if the links are dead and I'll fix them right away~
.alternative host sites possible

.feel free to friend this journal to see all the upcoming screencap posts first!^_^
next entries will include: Gazette (blacksoul12012's request), AnCafé, Kiyoharu, SADS, Miyavi, Nightmare, SID, Kra, GHOST, Sadie

.Find the previous screencap posts sorted in alphabetical order in the screencap&pv icons directory
.For the other goodies this journal houses, head to the journal's index post
(for art, graphics, FVs...)

As you're going through my screencaps index, feel free to hint if you see a pv listed you'd like to see capped soon :) Aside myself, I'm capping for the fellow graphic makers around, so if you're lacking material, poke me and let's see when I'll get back to you with shiny pictures~

Also, for request, I'll be adding Mediafire links to the L'arc and P'unk~en~Ciel caps (see the directory) tonight, so drop by later if you're interested~ EDIT:MF links added~

mucc, kirito, buck-tick, malice mizer, screencaps, kagrra, jrock

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