So...where to begin...
First things first...the work news.
So I went to talk to my manager today...
As much as I expected a bias argument from him, I knew that he's done too much for me to just leave him w/o a good conversation about the whole issue...
**BTW: he has done lots for me. I've gotten off everyday I've asked, I get the shifts I want, He works with me to help me when he can...He's done no wrong for be to believe that I should just go without trying to at least talk to him...ANYWHO...
So I sit down and explain to him:
"Look...I'm basically about 400 dollars in debt (give or take...this is includin stuff I should get (Oil Change, Passport, Class Fees, Medicine, Rent, so on...) due to not being able to make money. I've never really gone to a place and just said "I'm giving my 2 weeks" before, so I didn't think it completely through. Upon thinking about it I discovered that there were many options that I didn't consider: It IS a new business (that's supposed to be good) with 1/2 a wait staff..., the "buffet" concept hasn't stuck yet, so it could die out...I may not get the days off I need for school (since I didn't mention it to him), and it goes on. Short version: it may not be a sure bet.
" I came up with a few ideas", I continued. "I could do one of 2 things: Work at new job Thur-Sun (since that's when they need me most) and work here Mon-Wed + whatever else I can work so I can help you. OR...I could just not go there and work here...but I need a lot of hours (Like 30-40 at least). I'll work lunches, whatever...I just need to make sure that I'm gonna make some money to catch up on bills."
"There is one thing holding me back, though" I keep going (there is conversation within's just not necessary to make the point I want to make...and I'm trying to save space=). I discovered that the main reason I want to keep this job is because I know it's guaranteed. Chances are, starting in January, it's gonna be hard to get a good waiting job (which is true, IMO: I've seen it before)."
We banter back and forth for a while, talking about how work situations are gonna be, when I would leave if I stayed, etc.
To cut the whole thing short, lemme give you the gist of what came out of the conversation:
-He knows where I'm coming from, which was important IMO, so he knows WHY I did what I did. This way he doesn't think I'm a jerk. This will come into play later.
-He's more than willing to help me out as far as getting m shifts if I stay. "I'd put you on the schedule before many of these people", to quote him in a manner of speaking=)
-The best part (which was my "make or break" part)...One must understand that Mr. Kimball is a VERY influential man. His mom is the CHIEF supreme court justice of the LA supreme court (yea, THAT big). He also knows EVERYONE...I MEAN EVERYONE. This includes ALL the big Restaurant OWNERS. He hangs out with the guys who own Sullivan's, Manseur's, TJ RIBS, maybe even Alexander's...
So what does this mean, you ask naively?=). BASICALLY if I try to go get a new job, they're gonna call Mr. Kimball for a recommendation. If I work out this deal (I help you, you help me...) with him, he basically said he'd back me up on getting a new job...and would even help me try to get that job! Ya see, the whole issue with keeping this job instead of taking the new one was that the new job is there and available...which may not be the case in January. SO obviously I was swayed to take the new one, for insurance. SOOO...If I have a guarantee (essentially) of job placement after the holidays...of course I'm gonna help him out!....that kinda sealed the deal there.
SO, short version...he made it worth my while...which is good, cause I wanted to help him anyway=). Now I have to go take back my application (or just tell him I'll be availabe in January instead...) *shrugs* rather piss off the new guy than the old one...
As an additional point (YES THERE'S MORE! IT KEEPS GOING!)...this means many good things:
-First, he offered to give me a cash advance on my checks if I need to get out of a bing (BIG PLUS there...)
-I Get off for Katie's Birthday! SAY YAY KATIE! WHOOT!=)
-I get a Christmas Bonus (which I've not gotten in QUITE some time...maybe
-And the final note, which leads me to my next topic...
Now for the more fun stuff! Guess what I got from my manager @ the Club?
A Turkey.
Like the whole one. like 10 pounds of turkey!...for free... (The conversation was funny: "Sign for the turkey"...the what? LIke a sandwich? WHY would I sign for a sandwich???
....whatcha think, guys? We do a Christmas Pot Luck, trade out gifts, etc? I bring the Turkey, of course...I'll just have to learn how to cook it right (Katie, your dad and I must talk concerning this, btw=)...
I think It'll be a LOT of fun! I hope everyone's on board...We'll figure out a date soon (probably post-all my work crap/school stuff is done)
A Final note: Christmas List! Take's a basic list of what I want:
-Merv Griffin's Crosswords: the board game ( [14.99-19.99]
-Can be found at Wal-Mart for 15 bucks. A crossword board game based on an AWESOME show (Guy also did Jeopardy)
-Jeopardy! Board Game ( Same thing, different game [14.99-19.99]
-Freakazoid: Season 1 ([19.99] much fun! WHY NOT???
-Young Frankenstein Musical Stuff! (Either the Piano Book or the Soundtrack...probably the Soundtrack...) [15.00-25.00]
-I've always wanted to hear the'd be awesome, i'm sure! Mel Brooks Rocks!
-Wordigo Board Game[22.99] Ya know I've mentioned this before...same thought process
-Scrabble "ME" - Same idea...ya can find this on Google: not hard to find
-Monopoly "Here & Now: The WORLD Edition'. [~30.00]
-I need a monopoly! It seems almost required!...That and it's on sale at Target until Friday: 20 bucks!....#!(^#)!
(I swear that's the last board game...for now=)
-As lame as they may feel...Gift cards to the following places are always loved:
-Old Navy (I need clothes!...and their jeans make my butt look good=)
-Best Buy/Mall
-Any really awesome food place
-Anything else you think may be a good place for me to go to (food or not!)
-Hmm....I have games that I want, but most of them are I'll give ya a list OR just get me a card saying: "This goes towards ___ thingy."
-Prince of Persia (PS3)
-Persona 4 (PS2)
-Eternal Sonata (PS3)
-DDR X (PS2) **Not terribly wanted, but would be fun to play...
Besides that I can't think of too much. If ya get an idea of some kind lemme know...I'll let ya know what I think.
-I'm kinda liking the idea of getting new clothes, so I a gift card to a nicer clothes place would be nice as well...
ANYWHO...this post took an hour to write...and I'm goin to bed! Love, and Peace!
Oh, and watch these things: Fail)
AND MacFarlane's Mario Awesomeness!)