For three years, they had served the Republic alongside the Jedi without question. The guardians of peace and justice had fought and died beside him and his millions of identical brothers. And he, along with his family, had been grown to fight and to die for the Republic which they all served. They had won battle after battle. From Geonosis to Corruscant, they had fought side by side. Now, it appeared as if this war was about to end.
Kashyk was alive with laser fire from above. He could see wookies swinging through trees firing their bowcasters as they passed him. Some resorted to ripping the arms from their battle droid opposition. CT-3895 wouldn't have had it any other way. He had his brothers, and High General Yoda watching his back.
"There's another one," said a high pitched and all too familiar mechanized voice. He saw several of those ridiculous 13 year old B1 battle droids marching toward hi, heads bobbing. "Concussion grenades, boys!," he called. "I could use a little help over here! I don't wanna be remembered as the guy taken out by these outdated clankers."
"Hey! I'll have you know," was as far as one of the b1s was able to get. 5 tucked and rolled as a hail of grenades was sent into the midst of the advanceing battle droids.
"They've sent in the Supers," said a clone to his left. And here came the menaceing B2 Super battle droids. Clones fell on all sides from double laser cannon fire. But then several supers were reduced to scrap by the Cip Quad cannons carried by a handful of ARC troopers.
"Just passing though," one of them remarked. "Thought you guys could use a little help over here."
5's helmet com suddenly pingged.
"Captain, we've just received new marching orders from the top," his commanding officer informed him. "You are to find Master Yoda and to execute Order 66 at once."
No, that couldn't have been what he thought he'd heard. He must have been partially deafened by one of those fragging grenades. Why would Chancellor Palpatine-- it must have been Palpatine, issue the order branding every Jedi Padawan, Knight, and Master traitors to the Republic? Not only were he and his brothers to consider them traitors, but they were to exterminate them with no questions asked.
"Leave Kashyyk, you must," said a voice seemingly from inside his own head. "Good it is that you choose to fight for democracy itself. But deceived we all were, and no longer safe it is for any friends to Jedi. A fighter close by, there is. And wise it would be to dispense with your helmet." The voice ceased. Then 5 thought he heard the snap hiss of a lightsaber somewhere close by. Then the unmistakeable sound of decapitated heads hitting the dirt-- or maybe wood in this case, and bouncing across a hard surface until they skidded to a stop. He took off his helmet and threw it to the ground. Then he crushed his comlink under foot.
"C'mon, brother," another of his family called, beckoning to him with those hand gestures almost as familiar to him as breatheing itself. "Yoda's near, and if we don't stop him now, we'll probably never get another chance."
"So you're going to follow this insane order without wondering just what the hell is going on here? You go ahead, but something smacks of treachery here.," he shouted back.
"Fine then," the other trooper responded. "You've just labeled yourself among the Jedi." Faster than he dared imagine, several clones surrounded him and began loading their DC15s. Then came the roaring of several rather displeased wookies from all sides.
"Move it, wooks," shouted a trooper wearing the markings of a commander. "He's our business." The wookies would have none of it. Several of them snatched guns and the gunarms themselves from troopers before they could even fire a single shot.
"Did General Yoda send you," he asked the nearest wookie. He had to shout over the comotion. He downed a number of troopers with his rifle. The wook nodded. Then he pointed to his huge furry head and gave a toothy grin. Who needed aHolonet when you had that little green imp on your side? Bowcasters sang and more clones fell. One wookie had managed to obtain a rocket launcher which cut an even larger swath through the enemy. No, that wasn't right. Enemies? He had trained, eaten, and laughed with these men. Before he realized it, he was the only one standing. The only witness sans the wookies. A voice spoke somewhere to his left.
"You're a defective product, you know," the dying clone rasped. "You're a traitor to your own family, and to the Republic you claimed to serve. You remember Slick, don't you? You're as bad as he was, you piece of filth. Let me die without having to look at such a sorry sight as you. How could you turn your weapon on your own?"
"I could ask you the same question, fella. How can you kill your own? The Jedi are family as well." But the other clone's eyes were staring through him, lifeless.
A wookie bounded over. 5 was scooped up in a powerful but gentle embrace, and rushed toward the waiting v-wing. The cockpit was opened, and he was placed inside. Then the wookie patted him on the shoulder and rushed away.
He wanted to be anywhere but here. Somewhere where he wouldn't have to hear that nagging voice calling him a traitor. Somewhere where he could think straight. But if Kashyyk was upside down, what would be waiting for him on other worlds like Corruscant, the Republic's capital? Had Chancellor Palpatine gone mad? In the blink of an eye, the galaxy, as well as his own heart, had suddenly been torn asunder in some new and terrible fashion.
"So where do I go from here?," he asked as his ship rose from Kashyyk's war torn surface.
(Note) Ok, I think I got this think walking and talking like I want it. It was a little shorter, but I added a few extra scenes to it like the b1s and b2s showing up. I'd say the whole story lasts about 40something pages. I'm editing as I go along. There are some scenes I'm doing away with, but some I'm adding to. Not much research went into the first bit of it. I thought it'd be fun to start things off with a bang. A big one. There's a heck of alot of action in this thing, but also exposition, and romance a little later. I probably won't get around to tweaking any more of it for a while, but since I had some time this afternoon, and wanted to test my coping and pasting skills... Well, there it is. Battles are very difficult for me to describe, but that one was fun to orchestrate. This takes place in the middle of episode III, and I wanted one of my main characters to be a part of the Battle of Kashyyk and Order 66.
Originally, I didn't have Yoda helping the clone trooper out via wookie reinforcements or his little Force chat. I would have had Yoda join in the fun, but during this portion of the film, he was busy beheading Commander Gree and another trooper. However, I wanted him to have a hand in 5's escape. I think Yoda is well aware that not all Clones would follow Palpatine's orders without question. I tried making this portion of the story as true to the film as I could since I'm big on canonicity and continuity. So there you have it. Well, a portion of it, anyway.
That other story, the one set in New York? Haven't started that one yet. I got time to edit, but for me, writing is very delicate work. I'm interested in the best I can do, so that takes time with me being a perfectionist and all. lol!