So I tried out the SPN
Quicky Bang and snagged the lovely
marciaelena 's "
trees are their roots and wind is wind" which is a gorgeous Sam/Dean fic I definitely recommend--her writing is so poetic, and there's this beautiful sense of interconnection and mortality. Preview here, full picture (with full frontal) below cut.
Did this digitally but tried out different drawing and shading techniques this time. When dealing with actors I've usually traced out the edges of their facial features so they're, y'know, recognizable, but I do want to get better at drawing from just looking, so I did side-by-side where I more measured out levels and free-handed from there (babysteps in the right direction). I went for way simpler shading, this time, since I do like that style in digital, too, and wanted to try it out. I think I like how it came out! And taking um... way fewer hours and less heartache is a big selling point (even if I went in and hand-dotted stubble after - whatevs, priorities). Also, these make published dicks #'s 2 and 3 for me, ever. And if you don't think I agonized on proportioning and positioning, you got another think coming.
I adore feedback, up to and including constructive criticism (just not, y'know, viciousness - I am a human made of soft parts). I got wonderful encouragement and tips from the folks on discord and I am eternally grateful.