Here are the three domain names I registered to The braille suite and the white cane project will continue using no-ip. I couldn't purchase the account, angelfire was having problems in one or two areas with my order. Once completed it'll be or
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I'm polling the public to see what people think should be done for the white cane day fund raiser. This polls consists of a list I've generated and if you don't see something that you'd like, there are a few areas to send emails with approprate subject lines.
I'm purchasing the account either tonight or tomorrow. It'll give us more room, bandwidth, faster tech support and other goodies that freebies on Angelfire don't get. And the premium account also allows stats, and no ads
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Check out Concentration! It is a imaged java game so you do need java enabled. Read the description before you attempt playing the game. This game is located in the Braille Tools section of The Braille Suite
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Either tonight or tomorrow I'll be purchasing my angelfire account. I've tripple checked to make sure that the domain I want isn't taken. However the account package I'm getting, you only get one domain and 5 to 10 subdomains. So the braille suite will have a subdomain I'm afraid. it'll be something like blindvi.braille-suite.domain (Domain
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Three frames just don't mix. So in this short notice, the copyright notice has been moved to blindvi and the braile suite's front page only. And I removed the third frame.