The ultimate questionnaire… WHAT TIME IS IT?: 2:11 Am *******SIMPLE QUESTIONS******* 1. FULL NAME: Charity Faith Caricchio WoOWoO 2. NICKNAME: Oh good lord...BuNnY, ChaCha, Char, Snake, Cheetah, Sooo many more Name me what you want <3
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So tonite was pretty eventful. Went out to DQ (( our fave meeting spot of GRoundhog and Cassie)) Then just took it from there. Went to an excellent Italianooo restauratanteeee in the boonies, where we got the wonderful experiece of meeting BART our waiter...HaHa He was hot, just strange, and with a name like BART, your not gonna get many places....
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So its been like forever since ive updated this thing. While most entries are private, I think I'll make this one public for shits and giggles. So lately.. Lets see...Lots of shit and drama has been going down and it pisses me off. I am not speaking to Hethaer or NIki at this moment. To much shit...they talk shit like no ones fuckin business... and
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Ahh, a new day. Up so early. Its wierd. I have been gettin up earlier and earlier these days. Ok, well not yesterday, but thats because I didnt get ne sleep from before. Im sick...((it sucks balllls!)) Me and Cashie went out yesterday to visit Nikita,*and got some Excellent Cd's as welll* and went out to try to test our pheramones! No
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So last nite, me and Bubbles had a chat about why I was angry with him. He seems to really value our friendship, which means something to me. He didnt dismiss the fact that I was angry with him, and he understood the reasons why I was mad, and I also realized somethings about myself. Im so overprotective about my friends that I make rash decisions
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So today me and "Phat Crab Whacka" went to court with the madre to FINALLLY hand in the damn childsupport papers...Took long all we need is to wait for the court date. I do know where he lives now...Kinda strange...But anyways
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Today was a fabulous one! lol Felt extremely productive ((Always a goood thing)) Me and Hethaer went out and did lots of fun shtufflol. We went to the mall (for presents for Niki's 21'st bday thingy thingy tomorrow) and had a lil subway *marvelous
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