Title: My Heart Regrets
Prompt: #100. Regrets
Pairing: broken!TeukChul
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I neither own HeeChul nor LeeTeuk, and also no one else.
Summary: While LeeTeuk thinks about their relationship and regrets some things already, HeeChul didn't even knew that he could regret because he could have made a wrong decision before.
AN: I forgot to post it last time because I had written it on my cell phone (but I don't have inet there). So here :) Comments are loved ^^ And I'm sorry that I only write something like this...I mean more angst and sad things and so on...and that its not that good :(
HeeChul's POV:
I sit in the living room with almost all the Super Junior members. All except of him. I wonder what he's doing. Maybe he has fun with someone else. Perhaps his new boyfriend.
I sigh.
I'm supposed to be happy so I smile. We watch a movie I don't even know. Who the hell has decided that we watch it when not me? My Dongsaengs really have no respect for their Hyung. I know it's actually nothing but it makes me mad.
"Hey, bring me something to drink!" I tell RyeoWook sharply. At first he looks at me in confusion but then he realizes in what a bad mood i am so he quickly stands up to do what I said.
I suddenly feel so angry although I can't even say the reason. The members should be happy that I haven't killed anyone - yet.
After RyeoWook disappears, I look around over the others before I pick the next one.
"SungMin, go get me some food, preferable snacks. Or better, go make me some ice cream," I demanded.
Because SungMin already knows how pissed I am, he immediately jumps up to obey.
Then I try to enjoy the movie. Everything's dark because the curtains are closed. Only the screen of the TV is shining. And the screen of the PSP in KyuHyun's hands. It makes me even more annoyed.
"KyuHyun, turn that off immediately!" I yell. Most of the members glare at me scared but KyuHyun only shakes his head. "No, I'm playing."
Finally he looks at me.
"I don't want to. Is it my fault that you are pissed? I didn't break up with LeeTeuk Hyung. It's not my fault that you didn't think about the consequences back then and that you regret it now," KyuHyun explains to me calmly with this knowing tone in his voice.
I stare at him furiously and notice YeSung whispering to him to run away quickly for his life. Yeah, YeSung is right.
"See, you regret it. Don't blame me that you still love him. Either you apologize or go to a bar to drink until you faint or whatever but stop letting your anger out on us!" KyuHyun says before he jumps up to run.
When I pass EunHyuk, I hear him talk to DongHae. "Now Kyu is practically dead."
"Yeah, but he's right though."
I just ignore it and chase after KyuHyun while making a mental note to kill both of them later.
LeeTeuk's POV:
I lay in my bed and sigh. This makes no sense. Although I don't want to, I have to stand up and do something. Anything.
Eventually I decide to take a walk. Maybe then I'll get my mind off of him, HeeChul.
I sneak out. Luckily no one sees me.
I go to the park and look up at the grey sky while thinking of HeeChul. This guy. I really want to hate him. But I can't. I still love him. At least I never want to talk to him again but even that I can't do because I'm the fucking leader of Super Junior.
I wonder if he regrets it. Us. Our relationship. Just everything.
Sometimes I really do. I regret the things I've done wrong. Sometimes I wish I wouldn't love HeeChul. I wish there had never been anything special between us two.
I miss the sun. I can't see it. There are too many clouds. Those clouds do not only turn the sky dark but my own heart as well. I think a lot about HeeChul who I still love more than anything.
But now I regret nothing at all.
I probably made mistakes but I think that's okay. I'll learn from them. I believe that everything has a reason. Maybe I have to feel this much pain.
I only regret that I probably wasn't a good boyfriend. I regret it because now HeeChul broke up with me.
I remember so many times where I could have done better.
I wonder if he regrets something, too.
Maybe. Maybe not.
I sigh once more. But HeeChul probably not. He never makes wrong decisions as he always says. He would only blame me.
I wonder if he's right this time as well.