Title: As Red Eyes Stare Through The Night
Pairing/Characters: YunJae, Yoochun, Changmin, Junsu
Rating: R
Warning: Character deaths (just minors..; do I need to warn for already dead characters?), Violence
Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me except of the story idea.
Summary: Jaejoong was torn out of his own quiet world when he saw someone else take
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Comments 2
I find it strange Yunho wants Jae to get to know Min.....come on, Jae killed Min's mother. Wouldn't he wants revenge as well.
and hm, yunho is friends with min and he usually stays with him or some of his friends, but because he can't bring jae to the others, he had to go to min..and he didn't really want to leave jae behind after all ;D
though yep, whether min or jae like it is another matter altogether (no, of course they don't ^^)
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